英語を勉強しているnoteを読む方がいますか? (Are there any people studying English who also read note articles?)
日本語が多分たくさんのミスがあるかもしれないから、すいませんでした。🙏 まだまだです。
Hi, I'm Scully!
I'm a native English speaker, born and raised in England, and I've been studying Japanese for around three and a half years. I often read articles on note to practice my reading skills, learn more about Japan, and expose myself to various styles of writing. I find note to be a very interesting platform for reading, as it contains articles about various topics you could want to read about, from common topics like politics, business, economics etc. to very niche interests, and even very personal topics and experiences like self confidence and depression, so it's a fantastic source for vocabulary and grammar exposure.
I've decided, in order to practice my Japanese writing skills, to start posting on here about topics I find interesting, cultural differences, things that have surprised me as I learn more about Japan and Japanese culture etc. However, I also decided to write these articles in both Japanese and English, in case there are any Japanese people currently learning English who may find this useful for learning English.
I'm sure my Japanese is probably littered with mistakes, so I apologise in advance for that lol. I still have a lot of studying and improving I need to do.
If there are any people reading this who are studying English and would like me to write about specific topics, please let me know via a comment!
Thank you! Stay tuned for further posts!