The last teaching of the Buddha
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I am a Buddhist who likes to exercise and eat sweets. I would like to share with you the essentials of the Buddhist sutras.
This audio article contains parables and simple expressions that represent the essence of the sutras, the teachings of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
It is my sincere hope that this will guide you in your daily encounters with the Awakened One and provide fresh answers to your life situations.
This is the last teaching that Shakyamuni gave to his disciples just before his death. It's wonderful.
This passage from the program was excerpted and edited from "Teachings of the Buddha" published by Bukkyo dendo kyokai. They own the copyright of the book. The name means "Buddhist Missionary Association" in Japanese, and has an office in Minato-ku, Tokyo.
You will have access to Buddhist scriptures translated into languages from around the world.
This audio article contains parables and simple expressions that represent the essence of the sutras, the teachings of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
It is my sincere hope that this will guide you in your daily encounters with the Awakened One and provide fresh answers to your life situations.
This is the last teaching that Shakyamuni gave to his disciples just before his death. It's wonderful.
This passage from the program was excerpted and edited from "Teachings of the Buddha" published by Bukkyo dendo kyokai. They own the copyright of the book. The name means "Buddhist Missionary Association" in Japanese, and has an office in Minato-ku, Tokyo.
You will have access to Buddhist scriptures translated into languages from around the world.