摂津國一之宮住吉大社(SUMIYOSHI TAISHA SHRINE)でパワースポットの五大力を探そう...❗️&住吉っさんの歩き方⛩️👣💨(前編)
Hello ! It's saya😃
I visited to the Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine⛩️👣
That was really really good!! ⤴️⤴️
very spiritual energy place..✨😌
Today, I would like to share this with you💕
ここは大阪屈指のパワースポット住吉大社です⛩️ 全国に2300社ある住吉神社の総本社で、「摂津国一之宮」として崇敬されています。 ひとたび鳥居をくぐると澄んだ空気の中に優しく明るい雰囲気を感じます🤗✨
「For 1800 years, People have always been finding a home here.」This is called 'Sumiyoshi Taisha'⛩️ It's one of the spiritual spot in Osaka✨😌Sumiyoshi shrines are located all around Japan❕ But this is top of the one. and people worship it as Settukoku ichinomiya🤲✨ Once you go through a 'torii',
you can feel clear and nice air there🏞️🕊️✨
まずは住吉大社のランドマーク、反り橋(通称太鼓橋)を渡ります🌉 高さは4.4メートル、角度は48度もある橋です❕ 橋の上から眺めると、水面に反橋が映り、風を感じ、光のゆらめき、木々の揺らぎの葉音が聞こえてきます。 そこは都会の喧騒から離れた、癒しを私たちに与えてくれます😌🌸🎶
It was such beautiful weather this morning❕
This is very popular with spiritual energy place in Osaka...✨ It's a very wonderful shrine where you could feel nature🏞️You can escape the hustle and bustle of a city,and feel comforted🕊️✨ a famous bridge″ Soribashi ″(That is commonly called Taikobashi). This is 4.4meters high,and 48 degree angle❕ I recommend that you wear sports shoes👟This bridge is considered to have the power to drive away and cleanse the impure.
「Japanese Sakura」
橋の欄干からの桜です🌸 満開を迎える桜の木があちこちに見られました🌸🌳✨ 今年は少し早めですね👏
You overlook Japanese Sakuras from this bridge in the early spring🌸from the end of March until beginning april,It's cherry blossom season! They bloomed earlier than usual this year🌳✨⤴️
境内には、このような大きな石灯籠が六百基以上もあります。 住吉大社は古くから航海安全祈願の信仰を集めてきました。 江戸時代以降、舟運業者や様々な業界の人達が、北は松前、南は薩摩(現鹿児島)からも灯籠を寄進していました。 なぜこんなに大きいのかは、修繕の度に都度石を追加する形でだんだん大きくなっていったそうです。 現在では高いもので約八メートルもの高さがあります。
「Pray for safty of the voyage」
There are over 600 stone lanterns in Sumiyoshi shrine. The deity of Sumitoshitaisha has long been worshiped by those praying for safty of the voyage. The highest thing 8 meters high.
橋をわたりおえたら、手水舎で手と口を洗います。 1
「Cleanse one self with water at Temizuya. 」
Once you cross the bridge, please cleance yourself with water.
1.Take a “Hishaku” your right hand.(But now they haven't put it because of COVID19,please use your hand. ) fill it with water, and rinse your left hand by pouring some of the water.
2.Next,please hold the “Hishaku”with your left hand. and rinse your right hand too.
3.When you rinse your mouse, take the hishaku with your right hand, and rinse your left hand.
4.Please take the one with both hands vertically, rinse handle part.
手水舎で清めた後は、次に角鳥居をくぐります。 柱が円柱ではなく四角柱であるのが特徴で、角鳥居と呼ばれています。
一礼してからくぐるのが丁寧なくぐり方とされています。 また、参拝を終え、境内を出る際も社殿の方に向き直って一礼するとよいです。
Next,you go through the 'Sumitorii'⛩️🚶♀️👣 It features square poles⏹️ Most of pole in shrine is cylinder. It's better make a bow when you worship in front of the torii. and bow again when leaving it.
「Worship at shrines」
There are four ridge of a roof in Sumiyoshitaisha. These are designated as a national treasure. First, you worship the shrine from the very buck(It's called daiichihongu).
And then,It's the other side of the third ridge of the roof(Daisan hongu)⛩️❇️
because I got a nice photo👀📷️✨
Honden(Daiichihongu) is at the end of aisle ahead 👍 Go through this gate,and you'll be able to find the Goshogozen(Godairiki).
こちらが第一本宮です! まずはこちらから、お参りしましょう🤲 finally, I've arrived at Daiichihongu🎵 First, you should worship here🙏