こんにちは。Sayakaです。先日、初めてnoteを投稿させてもらい今回は第2回目の投稿になります。お家時間が増えたこの時期だからこそ、気分を高められるような投稿をしたいと前回お伝えしました。そこで!!題しまして、「お家で旅行・パースシティ」です✌ 第一弾は西オーストラリアのパースからお届けします。パースシティの魅力と情報、旅行した気になれる動画を等を添えて投稿したいと思います。またこれが、新型肺炎終息後に旅をされる皆さんへのヒントになればなあと思います。😊
Hello . It's Sayaka. This is my 2nd post. As I said in 1st post, I would like to up something positive! And then, I decided to write about Perth, Australia! I will give information about Perth and I hope you can feel like you are traveling. Also I hope I could give some hints to people who travel in Perth after ending covid-19.😊
①パースってどんなところ??what's kind of city??
I think there are people who think about Perth like " what's kind of city?" I can say Perth is "the town which has nice people and rich in nature and is comfortable to live ." Perth is the fourth biggest city in Australia and it has 2 million people. Perth is just wide! so if you feel down, you can relax at beach or park. Anywhere is just pretty and I guess you can relax. I recommend Perth to people who love nature strongly. Also, there are a lot of fancy bars and ,cafes and sightseeing spots. I will write about the details from next time.
②まずは見てほしいこちらの動画! Check the below first👍🎶
2019年の9月から成田ーパース間の直行便もでき、日本からの旅行もしやすくなっています! 歌手・タレントのNissyさんがANAのCMにでてらっしゃいますが、この動画にはパースの魅力が沢山つまっていますのでぜひ一度覗いてみてください。個人的に大好きな動画で、何回も見返してはパースに行った気になっています。また、載せた動画以外にも他のバージョンで動画があります。website の方もチェックしてみてください↓↓↓
Since November in 2019, ANA (the name of airline company ) started to have airplanes to go to Perth directly. So now it became more easier to go to Perth from Japan. This is my favorite commercial and I think you can find out the charm of Perth so let's check it out!!! Also I found another videos as well. you can watch from website so check the link as well if you want to ↓↓↓
https://www.ana.co.jp/ja/jp/international/promotions/perth/ (☚website)
③最後に for last
Thank you for all who read my writing . In this time, I wrote about Perth lightly (because ANA's commercial gave me a lot of hints😅). Next time I am thinking if I could introduce about sightseeing spots around Prerth city . I hope you will like it . Thanks.