元気をチャージできるYouTuberさん紹介してもいいですか?(笑)May I introduce my favorite YouTuber?

こんにちは。Sayakaです。緊急事態宣言は解除されたものの、第二波が懸念され、先行き不安な毎日が続きますね。まだ外出するのが怖いなと感じられる今日この頃ですが…皆さんいかがお過ごしですか。できるだけポジティブでいたい!と思うもののお家にいては将来を不安に思う時間が増えたり、悲しいニュースを目にする機会が増えてしまうと思います。。       ならば!と、お家にいるだけなのにHappyになれる方法はないかなと考え始めました。という訳で、今日は私的パワーチャージができるYouTuberさん、あさぎーにょさんをご紹介します。

Hello everyone. This is Sayaka .                                                              Recently, we can not hang out with friends or family and so on because of corona virus.Sometimes I got stressed and I depressed because I have to just stay home. If I stay home longer, I have a lot of time to have questions about my life and I have to worry about the future. If I turn on the TV , I always watch many sad news and my feelings always go down . I guess everyone feel same way sometimes. So not to be feeling down, I started looking for happy things even if I just stay home. That’s why I want to share with you my person I admired – Asaginyo. She is a Japanese famous YouTuber.


1 あさぎーにょって?who is Asaginyo?


She is a famous YouTuber in Japan.
Her real name is Asagi Oonishi. That is why her channel name
is Asaginyo.
She was born in Kansai and she moved up to Tokyo to be a singer. However, she was not sure about her future and
She started to up her videos on YouTube in 2016.
Through YouTube, she became popular and she is doing a model, a singer and so on recently. In addition, she established her own clothes bland and started sell clothes which were designed by her.


2.あさぎーにょさんの魅力 her attractive points

あさぎーにょさんは様々なコンテンツにチャレンジされてて、旅行だったり歌だったりファッションだったり…と見ているだけで楽しくなれるようなコンテンツが盛りだくさんです。なんと今のチャンネル登録者数は73万人をこえています!一度、彼女のビデオを見て下さればその理由は分かると思います。人に流されない自分だけの世界観を持っていらっしゃって、人と比べず過去の自分よりも成長しようとされる姿が垣間見える瞬間が度々あります!もちろん、ビデオ自体も好きなんですが、そんな彼女の生き方も大好きであさぎーにょさんにドはまりしております(笑)           また、お話しもとても面白くて見ているだけなのに元気が湧いてきます。なんだか話しかけられているような、親近感の湧くところも魅力だと思います。憂鬱に感じた時、またそうではない時もあさぎーにょさんのビデオを見てエネルギーチャージさせてもらってはいかがでしょうか。

The contents of her videos are various like traveling Vlog, her covered songs, her own songs, cooking things and shopping things etcetera. Now, about 730 thousand people are subscribing her channel. Her unique world always attracts People.I admire her because I like her way to live. If you watch her video, you will know how positive she is. She always tries to challenge new things and she tries to grow up herself! She does not compare with other people, but she tries to win against her past. Also, she has her own world which is unique and not be influenced by other people. If I say more, her talking is so funny so I can laugh when I watch her videos.
She doesn’t say “good luck” directly but her way to live cheer up people. I always can charge my energy every time I watch her videos. I want to live more positively like her! If you feel depressed or you are just fine, I recommend you watch her channel!!
Try to find Asaginyo on YouTube to charge your energy!

3.最後に… in the end


Thank you for reading all! I would like to stay positive with you ! I am looking for seeing you next time!