Hello everyone . I am Sayaka.
It is first time for me to write note and I would like to celebrate my first page with a picture of Perth where I love. In this time, I would like to introduce about myself and Topics what I will write from now on. To be honest, I am not good at writing even in Japanese. so, I am not good at writing in English.
However, I will do my best. If you are an English speaker and If you find any mistakes ,please bear with me.
① 自己紹介 (self introduction)
現在、日本の南の方の大学に通っている大学3年生です。大学では外国語を専攻としています。昨年、オーストラリアにてインターンシップに参加させて頂き今に至ります。モットーは" You Only Live Once"です。一度しか生きないと訳される通り、「人生一度きり」という意味です。人生一度きりなら思い切り楽しんじゃおうという前向きな生き方ができたらいいなと思っています。現在の目標は、英語に加え中国語とイタリア語が話せるようになることです。話せる言語が増える分視野も広がるはずです。頑張ります!(本当は日本語もやり直した方が良いぐらいなのですが…😅)
I am a 3rd grad student at an university which located in south part of Japan. I am majored in learning foreign languages. last year I tried to participate in the Internship and I came back to Japan now. My motto is "YOLO". I would like to live positively like this word. My goal is to be able to speak English fluently. In addition, to speak Chinese and Italian . I guess if I can speak many languages, I could see one thing from many perspectives. I will do my best!(Actually I need to re-learn Japanese as well...😂)
②これから発信していきたいこと(what I want to write from now on)
I think the numbers of people who spend their time at their house are increasing. Also, if you spend time at your house I guess you often hear the sad news and you start worry. Soooo, I wondered if I can tell any positive news from me:) I hope you can be more positive!
最後に… (In the end)
Thank you for all who read my all sentences. I will do my best to make people smile as many as possible. Sometimes I will write only in English but most of the time I will try to write in Japanese and English so if you are interested in Japanese, please feel free to fallow me:) Cheers.