
SATOCOTO-Očić @ダダの森の小雨工房


作家 ◇ 画人.行人.耕人.遊人.土星人 ◇ 誕生: 十二月二十四日 ◇ 前世: 草食獣(有袋類) ◇ 生息: 東欧.曙 ◇ 習性: 野性.裸眼.裸顔.無主.無住.無学.無宗教.無境界.無軌道.無鉄砲.無防備.菜食主義.恋愛主義(狂熱/破壊的).体験主義(衝動/直感的) ◇ 好物: 人間.左側.手.紙.手紙.本.玄米.発酵食.多肉植物.肯定.腕枕.髭.洗濯.方言.曙時.犬.猫.肉球.色鉛筆.図書館.流水.流木.巨木.紫陽花.小雨 ◇ 嫌物: 人間.右側.煙草.酒.車.西洋医学.動物実験.後悔.境界.計画.夢魔.傍観.迎合.集団. ◇ 趣味: 独旅.移住.木工.模様替.製本.写真.暗室作業.平衡水槽.西洋将棋.能楽.洋琴.土弄.木登. 独遊.游泳.静思.乱読.破壊.

first solo exhibition「小雨と標本」/galleria 大風呂敷, Kiryu, Japan. 2001
water color, color pencils on paper. ©︎2025 SATOCOTO-Očić

design and illustration ©︎2025 SATOCOTO-Očić

◇Wandering Artist of self-taught / borderless wayfarer. early-bird. vegetarian. intuitionist. bohemianist. optimist. minimalist. individualist. hip-shooting actionist. giddy-head like a weather in autumn. reckless daredevil.

◇like: Dadaïsme. film-based camera. succulent plant. whole-grain food. affirmation. left side. arm pillow. dog. cat. stubble. letter. paper. washing. giant tree. Noh dramas. marron. color pencil. dawn. library. (upper reaches of) the river. J-WAVE. multihued hydrangea. sound of raindrops. Tarpho Inagaki. Jan Švankmajer. Thelonious Monk.

◇ dislike: collective action. right side. cigar smoke. Western medicine. Animal testing. regression. borders. planning. materialism. nightmare. benign neglect. assentation.

◇ interests: worldwide migration. carpentry. Lorenz aquarium. book-binding. walking with doggies. swimming. random reading. nonogram. old movie. chess. gardening. film-photography. macrobiotic diet. move. Scuba diving. writing letters /correspondence. tree-climbing. extreme makeover.

ワックスパステル、紙|Watercoluble Wax Pastels on paper


2006.5.1 ~ 5.31    Exhibition at 'Dobrá Kavárna Trafika 'Praha,
          CZECH Republic
2006.3.6~ 4.30    Exhibition at 'globe'- Praha, CZECH Republic
2006.2.4               'Reincarnation' at Miksovskeho, Praha, CZECH Republic
2004.12.17~1.17   'Cosame Asobi' at Galerija stari Grad, Đurđevac, CROATIA
2004.6.4~6.17      'Cosame to kaiho' at Galerija Grada Krapine, CROATIA
2004.4.29~ 5.9    'Cosame no Otosata' at Atelier Cosame, JAPAN
2001.9.22~10.14  'Cosame to Hyouhon' at Gallery Ooburoshiki, Kiryu JAPAN

小雨工房展招待状|design and illustration

◇Selected GROUP EXHIBITIONS / Collaborative Projects◇

2006. 2. 19〜 3. 8   'Dom za dijecu-MAESTRAL' at Galerija Konzervatorskog                 Zavoda, Split, CROATIA
2005. 11.19              'Cheap Art Sensation'05' at Kult 41, Bonn, GERMANY
2005. 9. 7〜9.11      'The Real BIENNALE '~ International Art Festival
          at KINSKY PALACE, Praha, CZECH Republic
2005. 8. 1〜8.30   'Spirit Matters'-International Art Festival at CESTA,
         Tabor, CZECH Republic.
         collaborative performance with Paola, Barbara,          Natasha(Italy)and Vital(UKR)
2005. 2.21〜3.8     'Dom za dijecu-MAESTRAL' exhibition at Galerija                     Konzervatorskog Zavoda, Split, CROATIA
2005. 1.31〜    Exhibition at Galerija Dragutin Bešenić,
                                 Đurđevac, CROATIA
2004. 11.20            'Cheap Art Sensation' 04 ’ at Kult 41, Bonn, GERMANY
2004. 9.24〜10.21 'DAAK 2004. - DRAVA ART ANNALE KOPRIVNICA 2004’                      CROATIA Muzej grada Koprivnice - Galerija Koprivnica
2003. 9.13         'Cheap Art Sensation' at Eurotec, City Moers, GERMANY
          Group Exhibition with another 17 German Artists
2003. 1.17〜1.24     'How to catch a SunaIruka' at Yurinkan , Kiryu, JAPAN
          Collaboration with Simon Tait(Film Artist)&
          Koji Yamada( Calligrapher)
2002.11.21〜28    'Babblegum Bourgeoisies' at Tanks Art Centre,
          Cairns, AUSTRALIA
          Group Exhibition with Australian Artists
2002.10.       'Hagitei' at Hirosegawa Museum, Maebashi, JAPAN
          Permanent exhibition of Hagitei's cover illustrations
2002. 9.14〜9.23   'Face to Face' at Yurinkan Art Festival , JAPAN
          Exhibition and Performance with 100 kids
2002. 6.29〜7.13   'Incarnate Traces' at Tanks Art Centre,
          Cairns, AUSTRALIA          
          Exhibition( Installation) and Performance
2000. 12. 7〜12.23 'From Here to There' A postcard Correspondence with             Henrik Drescher at El Framo Gallery,
            Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
2000. 7.         exhibition at Titirangi, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
          Group Exhibition with Local Kiwi Artists

'From Here to There' A postcard Correspondence (Collaboration) with Henrik Drescher(Denmark) at El Framo Gallery, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND. 2000
©︎2025 Henrik Drescher and SATOCOTO-Očić

◇Artist in residencies◇

2004. 6.4~ 6.17     'Cosame to Kaihou~Release' at Galerija Grada Krapine,             Krapina, CROATIA
2005. 8. 1 ~ 8.30  'Spirit Matters'-International Art Festival at CESTA,
            Tabor, CZECH Republic
2005. 2.21~ 3.8    'Dom za dijecu-MAESTRAL' at Galerija Konzervatorskog          Zavoda, Split, CROATIA

'GOING WITHIN WITHOUT' 'Spirit Matters'-International Art Festival at CESTA,Tabor, CZECH. Republic. collaborative performance with Paola Carlucci, Barbara Stimoli, Natasha Belsito(Italy) and and Vital Rybas(UKR) costume design and installation in a desolate old house. mixed media. ©︎2025 SATOCOTO-Očić

◇ 写真|PHOTO ◇

film photography|street photography|bnw|portrait|

Chefchaouen, Morocco ©︎2025 SATOCOTO-Očić


