20 年くらい前に無医村に着任して奮闘する医者の物語があった。テレビドラマにもなったし映画化もされた。ストーリーは泣かせるものだった。その当時の自分には持ってこいだった。
About two decades ago, there used to be the program that a doctor works for the village where he was only a doctor in the island, where he struggled to help the islanders in the medical viewpoint, to our impression.
This TV program was turned into the live-action movie on the theater over the nation, and its popularity could become profitable because its contents seemed moving toward both children and adults in our society, he says.
In those days, such a moving story appealed to his tired and exhausted mind, which rescued him, he says.
The subject that numerous villages lack a doctor would be a question of entrance examinations, in other words, this might be the most serious issues there, we assume.
The advancements of medical technologies have solved various kinds of problems in the villages over Japan.
After all, such developments have rescued us.
The main character feels the warmth of local villagers after he exhausted from the complicated human relationship, where numerous staffs cannot afford to have any considerations about their coworkers, he says.
In our society, we are too busy to be considerate toward people around us, but we aren’t interested in others.
A family with parents and children couldn’t make it in the modern society about five decades ago, an expert says.
We humans cannot stand our loneliness, and we often see an old couple shopping together, and we take this fact for granted, at the same time, several people tend to consider their solitude as what is important, so we must consider both of happiness as something enjoyable.