


On the last Mondays, we cannot keep ourselves cool in the public library nearby because such locations should be closed once a month, where an air conditioner makes us feel comfortable and pleasant, simultaneously, we could save the electricity charges at home, he assumes.
This is why the fourth Mondays require us to search for somewhere convenient, which should provide moderate temperatures free of charge, after all, what costs us the most is that we must make an air conditioner function in the car, which absolutely consumes much gasoline.

An enormous hurricane approaches our prefecture, but its speed has been too slow, so we find it challenging to arrange our schedules this week, and the temperature stays hot, which makes us feel uncomfortable, she says.
When we live on the hill, we are unlikely to suffer from the disastrous and catastrophic floods, although our areas experienced terrible salt damages caused by the huge typhoon about three decades ago, which prevented us from taking a bath and taking a shower, simultaneously, the traffic signals’ disorders on the streets confused our commute to our workplace, which forced us to recognize that they must be something God or Goddess gives us.

The presidential election of the Liberal Democratic Party has provided the public with something entertaining, but almost none of the ordinary citizens has any connections with such a trivial event because we won’t be voters.
Despite this, numerous TV reports make us excited as if we could enjoy the national festival, although almost all the candidates have been donated from the notorious cult organization the CIA originally created during the postwar periods, in other words, this political party has been someone subordinated and controlled by America.
This reason has enabled them to have maintained the current economic and political situation for 33 years, of which we should be informed, but this disgusting affairs cannot absolutely change into the better directions.
In conclusion, a certain second generation congressman sometimes makes us entertained by uttering extremely eccentric comments had better be elected the next boss.
When this comes true, he cannot fail to become the most  silly and foolish prime minister since Japanese country was constructed by Adam and Eve, an online article tells.
