
Jan 15: Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.

"Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself." She is preparing for the party from the morning, but I went to the supermarket in the evening and bought the flowers myself. I also got oysters and mushrooms for spaghetti for dinner, along with Yakuruto1000s to help reduce the enormous stress I've been carrying, being literally nearly out of a job.

I came across the phrase "post-truth narrative." I really like the word "narrative" as it gives my essay a smart and serious tone. I always want to look intelligent, as I perceive myself not to be, anyways... I believe that buying a bouquet of flowers enriches people's lives. When choosing which flowers to buy, I noticed an elderly woman carefully selecting her bouquet.

I usually don't purchase flowers at grocery stores because most bouquets are for Buddhist altars. So, normally, I don't even glance at those areas. However, today I bought a bouquet not for a party but for pleasure. To tell you the truth, I have never finished reading "Mrs. Dalloway," although I have tried several times. I got intrigued with Virginia Woolf and her works when I saw the movie "The Hours." I found the "Narrative" quite beautiful and fascinating, which led me to read the original book by Michael Cunningham. I even painted a portrait of the protagonist portraited by Meryl Streep.
