
Yu-Gi-Oh in Hungary🇭🇺

Recently I have started to interested in Yu-Gi-Oh card games and online games. When I studied in primary school YU-Gi-Oh was a very famous game around us. We played duels, exchanged card and etc. Once I exchanged a very weak card to a "Blue eyes shining dragon" card.

Why do I start to interested in Yu-Gi-Oh again after a lot of years? When I was on holiday with my family. I saw a youtube video about the most expensive Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Some of them seemed for me to I have at home, but I soon realized most of my Yu-Gi-Oh cards are fake. I have only one card left which I can't prove that it is a fake card or not.(Probably fake) From more then 400 cards I only have 1 card which is probably fake. My childhood is broken.

My not proved fake Yu-Gi-Oh card

I watched a video about how you can tell if a card fake or not. It said Cards with Hungarian language is fake. Konami(the firm which is making the Yu-Gi-Oh cards) never made a single card in Hungarian language. I counted my card it seems for me that I have 110 cards in Hungarian.

The number's of my cards in Hungarian and in English.

Mostly the the cards in Hungarian(from now Hungarian cards) was translated from Japanese and english, but there are problem with its grammer and translation. All of the monsters in YU-Gi-Oh have Attack and defend point at some Hungarian card it was translated to "be" and "ki".("be" means in and "ki" means out in English) I found some cards which refer to Attack and defend point with good Hungarian translation as "támadó pont"TP(Attack point) and "védekező pont" VP (defense point).

This card name is "Kásosz varázsló" which wanted to be káosz varázsló(ENG: Chaos wizard)There are a lot of grammer mistake in the description. I think the company which made the cards don't care about it will be gramatcally correct they made only for children. Under the picture in the right bottom you can see a 601 number. That's the card number. From that we can know from which set is this card in and with which number in it. A card number looks like this: SDY-EO34. SDY refer to the set and EO34 refer the number in the set.

Fake Hungarian Yu-Gi-Oh card

On the left up the card's name is "Szakképzett sütét varázsló".(ENG: Professional dark magician) Sütét means dark in English, but that's an old way to say that word. I think my grandparents nad great grandparents used that word not my generation.
On the middle up's card name is "Szikra szobor".(ENG: spark sculpture) But if we examine the illustration we can't guess how it is connect to spark. The card's name wanted to be "Szikla szobor" which means rock sculpture.
On the right up the card's name is Gyikos paradicsom. In this way this means tomato with lizard, but here the gyikos wanted to be gyilkos which means killer. So that card's name is killer tomato.
On the left down card's name is "Éles sárkány".(ENG: sharp dragon) How can a dragon be sharp? If you know write in the comments xd.
On the middle down card's name is "kerek alak" which means round shape. For me it is remembered me for a space station not a round shaped object.
On the right down the card's name is "légkör kint lövés".(ENG: atmosphere out shot) It has a strange name for me both in english and Hungarian.

SOme fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards

I found some interesting cards which has 2 names. The upper is English and the lower is Hungarian.

Fake Hungarian YU-Gi-Oh card

I have a card which we could see in the anime. This card name is 海. The company which made this card and with 海=umi logic made this card. Actually 海 means sea in english. Another problem with this card there is no magic cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh, there is only spell cards.

Fake Hungarian Yu-Gi-Oh card

I found a very interesting fake card. This card looks like a monster card, but it doesn't have ATK and DEF. The cards say its trap card, but we can see 5 stars which refer to the monster's level. If it wouldn't be enough the "Csapda kártyák"(ENG: trap cards) which actually "Csapda kártya", because it is only one trap card not more. The best part is that the "csapda kártyák" subtitle is on the stars which refer to the monsters level. Originally it was a lvl 5 monster which attribute is dark. At the attribute the dark subtitle they changed to trap, so It was originally a lvl 5 monster with dark attribute.

Fake Hungarian Yu-Gi-Oh card

I hope the firm which made this fake cards will see it. I say them: Thank you. You ruined my childhood.
At this moment my favorite monster is sky striker ace - Hayate, because when I play monster duels it can attack directly the opponents and easy to summon. I only need one monster on the field or if on the is Sky striker ace - Haye I can summon immediately. When I was child I liked the monsters from the anime like watapon or Blue eyes shining dragon.(they are from The Yu-Gi-Oh move : The pyramid of the light) I have that movie with Hungarian dub in Casette. We don't have Casette player athome. My mom wanted to throws out every Casette years ago, but I saved that YU-Gi-Oh Casette. I have still that. True I can't watch, but I have it. :)
I hope you enjoyed this kind of blog post. I would have more cards("próbaidő varázsló" ENG: trial period wizard) which I could write more, but I think that was enough. Did you play Yu-Gi-Oh as a child or you play the game still? What is your favorite card or cards?
