
Who am I?

My name is Sánta Roland. I am 24 years old. I am from Hungary. According my education I am a water opertaion engineer. Soon (probably in 2025 january) I will finish my Master degree course. My master degree will be engineering design and development for the circular economy.

I think it is important to know about me that I ballroom danced for 11 years. I danced in Standard formation. During that 11 years I took part a lot comperion and I gave a lot of performances. Maybe my dance biggest reward was a 2nd place in a WADF Hunagarian Championship in 2023. It was hold in Hungary Zalaegerszeg. Except that Competation we took part in different dance competition in my region(Siófók cup, Lenti dance competition, Gála cup). I danced at a primary art school not at a dance sport club, but compare to that we achieved good results with our teacher.

In my freetime I like reading, cycling, watching animes and learning japanese language. My bike is a Neuzer whirlwind 700C. I got this bike last year after I finished my BSc. So far the longest which I went with this bike was around 20 km. My longest ride trip was 71,03 km. That was during Tour de Cseri. In my Secondary school every year twice hold that event. It was fun. you can check my strava activity about the trip: https://www.strava.com/activities/1871402625?share_sig=%5BC%40c4b71701725465997&utm_medium=social&utm_source=android_share

My bike

I have already watched anime for 8 years. I started it in Secondary school during summer vacation after I passed the 1st year.it has a story. I bored once during summer vacation and I remembered that anime called Soul Eater which I could watch in Animemax when I was in primary school,but my parents rarely allowed me to watch it, because it started late. I liked its animation as a child and I like it too now. Since then I watched a lot of anime. My favorites are: Sword Art Online, Dr Stone, One Piece, Bleach, Fairy tail, The eminance in Shadow. So far I watched more than 100 animes. I link here my Myanimelist:

Mostly I don't read books in Hungarian, If I do it is very rare. I mostly read Japanese Light novels in English. SO far I read 19th light novel from Sword Art Online, 3 Light novel from No game No life and Your name light novel. At this moment I read the 20th SAO Light novel.

My light novel collection

Since 2023 November I started to learn Japanese language. I found myself sily, when I saw a fanart on the internet and the artist wrote in japan and I didn't undestand a single word, so I decided to learn it. I don't know yet too much, but I improve step by step.I hope someday I will be able to write a post all in Japanese
私はサンロランド。24歳ハンガリー人 です。ようこそ。

My social media availabilities:
insta: roland.santa
facebook: Sánta Roland(I am on the profile picture with bike)
twitter: SntaRoland13

Thanks for reading so far.
