Sammy's Story Part Ⅴ
January 17th, 2001. Yummy found Dog park for me.
The place is my favorite place. I am always so excited when I approach near the park.The picture is bad. But you can see there is long fence for dog. The dogs are free to play.
First time, I was very shy. So I could not join other dogs instead of Yummy.But one day, Yummy worked as a volunteer for dog foster.Yummy got a dog which is called "Rex" (border collie). That was my first friend.
He taught me how play with dogs. I have never played with other dog. I always play with Yummy and Yummy's friends.Rex is very friendly and full of vigor! Rex always wanted to go the Dog Park.
When Rex arrived there, he always runs around and plays with other dogs. I just followed with him and learn how to play. it was fun. I do not need to depend on Yummy anymore.
Now I know how to play with other dogs. ahem! Then I become friendly as Rex! Thank you Rex. Rex found a new home, I miss you.
サミー物語り パートⅤ
最初、私は照れ屋なので犬たちと遊ぶことが出来ずゆんみと後をつけるだけだった。 しかし、ある日ゆんみが犬の里親のボランティアしていた。ゆんみは「レックス」というボーダーコリーを引き取ったんだ。レックスは私の最初の友達。
彼はどうやって他の犬と遊ぶか教えてくれたんだ。今までに他の犬との遊んだことがなかった。 いつもゆんみかゆんみの友人と遊んでいたんだ。
レックスは友好的で活発である!レックスはいつもそこへ行かないと満足しないんだ。レックスはそこに着くとすぐに駆け回り他の犬と遊ぶのだ。 わたしはただ彼の後を着いてどうやって遊ぶか学んだ。