
Day9:What habits do you keep or stop this year?

The theme of day 9 is "What habits do you keep or stop this year?"
Habits I want to keep are 3 points.
At first , I write write! I  have started to write "morning page"and  note by English. I want to keep those habits.Second , I sleep night ,I wake up morning.Actually I like midnight quietly,but this habits was not good for me. I continued those days,  and I felt sleep deprivation everyday.So I learned sleep is important for me.At last, I always keep to think " what I  want?". I tended to focus on my worries and what I couldn't do.So,I look my hope this year.
Habits I want to stop is to look back too much on the past.Looking back is not a bad thing,but I was floated  negations and blame.so If I look back, I stop thinking negations and blame.
Thank you for reading! See you!

今日のテーマは「 今年続けたい習慣、やめたい習慣」
