
Cappadox RTN 1: Cappadox at Glance!

English follows Japanese

Cappadox Returns!






まず第1回目の記事は「Cappadox at Glance!(一目でわかるカッパドックス)」


夕陽が沈み、刻々と空の色が変わっていく午後8時半のウチヒサル城塞裏会場。登場したのはアメリカもとい、土星出身のSun Ra Arkestra。こんなすごい環境で最高の音楽体験が出来るフェス、世界広しと言えど他には思い浮かばない。

Cappadox 2016: Music


ウチヒサル城塞の西斜面に広がるウチヒサル農園は午後の音楽会場となった。ピンク色の奇岩をバックに演奏するのは人気のロマ楽団Taksim Trio。





Taksim Trioはトルコのポップスやアラベスクと呼ばれる演歌の裏方として活動してきた三人の若手ロマ精鋭演奏家が結成したインスト音楽トリオ。クラリネット、カーヌーン(中東の琴)、エレクトリック・サズ(三味線に似た弦楽器)の編成で、往年の歌謡曲やオリジナル曲をロマならではの超絶テクニックを駆使し即興たっぷりに演奏する。




深夜の会場はギョレメの外れにあるPerili Ozanlar Vadisi(妖精の詩人の谷)。岩肌にサイケデリックなプロジェクションマッピングが投影される中で、インディーロックやエレクトロニカ、ジャズ・フュージョンなど、深夜にふさわしいハードな音が奏でられる。

「Cappadox」はコンサート制作会社「Pozitif」の創始者の一人だった故Mehmet Uluğ(メフメト・ウルー)氏の「自然に囲まれたカッパドキアでフェスを行う」というアイディアから始まった。しかし、メフメトさんは志半ばにして、2013年に54歳で亡くなってしまった。その後、彼の実弟で、当時の「Pozitif」代表だったAhmet Uluğ(アフメト・ウルー)氏が遺志を受け継ぎ、再出発。彼らの考えに賛同したアーティストが加わり、2015年5月に「土地と繋がり、宇宙を見上げよう」をテーマに第1回が開催された。2016年の第2回テーマは「私達の庭を耕しましょう」。そして2017年の第3回テーマは「世界から一歩外に出よう」、2018年は「沈黙」だった。




Sun Ra Arkestraのフロントメンバー。Pozitifは1989年に彼らのイスタンブル公演を行った事からスタートした。



Cappadox at Glance!

Cappadox Returns!

Turkey's UNESCO World Heritage site, Cappadocia, known for its surreal rocky landscape, is the stage for the comprehensive art festival "Cappadox," returning in late May 2024!

"Cappadox" packs modern art exhibitions, fine dining with firewood, workshops on local wines, nature walks, yoga, and meditation workshops around the spiritual music of artists from Turkey and beyond, in the outdoors of Cappadocia during early summer over 3 or 4 days. Held consecutively from 2015 to 2018, it was once concluded despite being hailed as a "miraculous festival" by participants from home and abroad.

Now, it's set for a grand return in 2024!

To celebrate the comeback, I, having covered "Cappadox" consecutively from 2016 for three years, will base a "note" magazine on my original manuscripts from those times!

The first article is "Cappadox at Glance!"

Dear readers, let's toast in Cappadocia in late May!

Cappadox 2016: Music

The name Cappadocia originates from Persian, meaning "the land of beautiful horses." Spread over nearly 100 square kilometers in the central part of the Anatolian plateau, exceeding 1000 meters in altitude, it's dotted with strangely shaped rocks like cylinders, mushrooms, and phallic forms. This otherworldly landscape resulted from volcanic eruptions 70 million years ago and subsequent millions of years of erosion by rivers and rain.

In the 3rd century, Christian monks fleeing persecution from the Roman Empire settled here, carving out dwellings and churches from the rock. To hide from external threats, they even created a vast underground city extending down eight floors to a depth of 65 meters. Today, Cappadocia stands as one of Turkey's biggest tourist destinations, alongside Istanbul. It also holds a spiritual significance for many Turks, akin to Kumano or Nikko for the Japanese.

Therefore, "Cappadox" doesn't feature the typical pop stars of rock or hip-hop found in standard large outdoor music festivals. Instead, about 20 groups of artists presenting traditional music such as Sufi (Islamic mysticism), Turkish folk, Romani music, as well as jazz, post-classical, new age, and world music from inside and outside Turkey, known for their artistry and spirituality, take the stage.

Ancient Christian gathering places, Uchisar Castle, and Göreme National Park, a World Heritage site, are equipped with the latest sound and lighting equipment to offer the best musical experience, including projection mapping on the strange rocks.

"Cappadox" is a unique festival highly recommended for those seeking a spiritual experience of music and art.

"Cappadox" started with an idea by the late Mr. Mehmet Uluğ, one of the founders of Turkey's leading concert production company "Pozitif," to hold a festival in Cappadocia surrounded by nature. However, Mehmet passed away at the age of 54 in 2013, midway through realizing his dream. His brother, Mr. Ahmet Uluğ, the head of "Pozitif," took over the reins and restarted the project. Artists who agreed with their vision joined, and the first event was held in May 2015 with the theme "Connect with the land, look up at the universe." The theme for the second event in 2016 was "Let's cultivate our garden," and for the third event in 2017, "Step out into the world."

Finding Ahmet at Uchisar Castle watching the stage of Sun Ra Arkestra, I got a chance to talk to him.

"'Cappadox' is not just a music fest but a comprehensive fest that includes contemporary art exhibitions, local gourmet food, yoga, and outdoor activities. We want people to enjoy the music and, through 'Cappadox,' get to know Cappadocia. There are many wonderful places in Turkey, but Cappadocia is mystical. It has a special terrain and beautiful scenery, creating a magical feeling. It's a special place for Turkish people, making everyone's senses open up when they come here."
