
Cappadox RTN 8: Music in 2017

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エレクトロ・ディスコ・パンク Buyuk Ev Ablukada

そんな場所に初日のトリとして登場したのはイスタンブルのインディーズ・バンド「Buyuk Ev Ablukada(ビュユック・エヴ・アブルカダ)」。実は僕は彼らのCDを一枚持っていて、レディオヘッドに影響を受けたありがちなインディーズ・バンドという印象だったので、全く期待していなかった。しかし、ライヴが始まった瞬間、僕が聞いていたCDとは全く異なる刺激的なエレクトロ・ビートが谷間に響き渡り、それからは最後まで耳と目が離せなくなってしまった。


初期ダフト・パンクのような打ち込みのアシッド・ベースと硬質なゲイ・ディスコ・ビートが鳴り響く中、黒ジーンズに坊主頭の女子、フェイクファーのコートを着たスキンヘッドの男子というLGBT系の二人のボーカリストがステージでくねくねと動き、それぞれ勝手にセクシーに喘ぎ、叫ぶ。どの曲もイントロが長く、ジワジワ、グイグイと渋く盛り上げていき、オーディエンスの期待が高まったところで、フッとキャッチーな歌が始まる。しかも、どの曲もしっかりしたフックがあって、一瞬たりと聞き逃せない! こりゃ最高のエレクトロLGBTディスコ・パンクじゃないか!! ダフト・パンクと電気グルーヴとシザー・シスターズとニュー・オーダーを足して、トルコのメロディーを加えたような……初日からすごいバンドを発見しちゃった!

Buyuk Ev AblukadaはインディーロックからエレクトロLGBTディスコ・パンクへと大変身を遂げていた!









この晩のメインアクトは日本でも人気の高い、カナダのエレクトロ・ソウル・ユニット「RHYE(ライ)」。僕は彼らの1stアルバム『WOMAN』をこの数年ずっと愛聴していたので、初めて観るライヴを楽しみにしていた。『WOMAN』はベッドルームで生まれた10年代型エレクトロ・ソウル・サウンドと男性歌手マイケル・ミロシュの、まるでシャーデーのような中性的な裏声ヴォーカルが特徴だった。しかし、キーボード、ドラムス、ベース、ヴァイオリン、チェロ/トロンボーンという変則的な編成のバンドが『WOMAN』の精緻なエレクトロ・ソウル・サウンドをエモーショナルなアコースティック・サウンドに作り変えていた。これはイイ意味で期待を裏切ってくれた!『WOMAN』のリリース以降、3年以上も同じバンドメンバーで世界中をツアーして回ったことで、マイケルの空想上のユニットだったライはいつしかバンドとして血肉化されていたのだ。「Open」や「The Fall」などの過去のヒット曲は生演奏により曲の尺が伸ばされ、新曲「Please」を間に挟んでも何も違和感がなく聞こえた。



雨の夜明けにMercan Dede



メルジャン・デデのサンライズコンサートは晴天だった前日とは異なり、雨除けのテントの中での演奏となった。メルジャンは新たに結成したバンド「イスタンブル・カルテット」を率いていた。まだ十代、二十代のロマ系の四人の若手精鋭を集めたバンドで、編成は葦笛ネイ、ヴァイオリン状の擦弦楽器ケマンチェ、クラリネット、花杯型太鼓ダルブッカ。クラリネットはトルコのNo.1奏者ヒュスヌ・シェンレンディリチの息子、ネイのブラク・マルチョクとケマンチェのジャフェル・ナズルバシュはそれぞれにメルジャンのプロデュースでソロ・アルバムを発表している。若者ならではの演奏は頭上に重くのしかかる雨を一瞬忘れさせてくれるほど切れっ切れだ! 若い精鋭たちはメルジャンの代表曲、そしてトルコの伝統曲を新しい感覚で描き出していく。しかし、降りしきる雨と睡眠不足に体力を奪われていた僕は、いつものようにカメラを持って動き回ることすら出来なかった。フードの下でホッカイロを手で握りしめながら、彼らの音を楽しむのが精一杯だった。



一年ぶりに再会したメルジャンをコンサート終了後に彼が滞在している高級ホテル「Argos in Cappadocia」で取材した。








Cappadox RTN 8: Music in 2017

In mid-May 2017, I visited the comprehensive festival "Cappadox" held outdoors at the UNESCO World Heritage site in Cappadocia, Turkey. This time, let's focus on the crucial aspect of the music.

2017 Cappadox Music Concert

After the Open Fire Cooking event, I returned to my accommodation in Göreme to fully prepare against the rain and cold. Before midnight, I headed to the main venue, "Perili Ozanlar Vadisi" (Valley of the Fairy Chimneys) National Park. As a frequent visitor to Japan's largest music festival, "Fuji Rock Festival," I am accustomed to preparing for rain and cold at outdoor festivals. I wore heat packs on my back and waist, donned a waterproof poncho, wore sturdy trekking shoes, and kept a flask of whiskey handy to withstand all but the coldest midwinter temperatures.

Perili Ozanlar Vadisi is a valley that seems to sprout mushroom-like rock formations typical of Cappadocia. A stage was constructed from truss materials here, and colorful psychedelic patterns were projected onto the rock walls. Just being there felt like being enchanted by some kind of magic.

Electro Disco Punk by Buyuk Ev Ablukada

The headliner on the first day at this magical venue was Buyuk Ev Ablukada, an indie band from Istanbul. I actually own one of their CDs, which gave me the impression of a typical indie band influenced by Radiohead, so I wasn't expecting much. However, as soon as the live performance began, an exciting electro beat different from anything on their CD filled the valley, and I was hooked until the very end.

The performance featured punchy acid bass like early Daft Punk and hard gay disco beats, while two LGBTQ vocalists—one a woman in black jeans with a buzz cut, and the other a bald man in a faux fur coat—writhed on stage, each moaning and shouting sexily in their own way. Each song had a long intro that slowly and powerfully built up, raising the audience's expectations until suddenly breaking into a catchy tune. Moreover, each song had a solid hook that made them utterly captivating. It was an incredible display of electro LGBT disco punk—a mix of Daft Punk, Denki Groove, Scissor Sisters, and New Order with a touch of Turkish melody. What a fantastic band to discover on the first day!

Outdoor Sunrise Concert

The second day started with a sunrise concert at 5:30 AM in Red Valley, just outside Uchisar. I had missed this concert the previous year due to prioritizing a dawn hot air balloon tour. Although the weather forecast predicted rain, which meant no hot air balloons flew that morning, the dawn sky was clear. The New Age minstrel duo "Kuan" took the stage as the sun began to rise in the east. Led by Demirjan Demir from Antalya, a Mediterranean town, this amorphous band's name means "a question in Zen." Demirjan began the performance by striking a santur, a hammered string instrument, and had the roughly 200 audience members chant a short mantra before continuing the song. He switched between the Turkish reed flute ney and the saz, a stringed instrument similar to a shamisen, singing in a rich, overtone-filled voice reminiscent of a Japanese narrative song. While based on Turkish folk music türkü, the modern approach incorporated synths and percussion.

In the afternoon of the second day, the previously clear sky quickly turned dark grey, and suddenly thunder rumbled, followed by hail about 2 cm in diameter. The hail turned into heavy rain within 15 minutes, flooding the main street of the town and turning it into a muddy torrent. To think I had come all the way to Turkey to experience a Fuji Rock-like situation...

RHYE in the Heavy Rain

The rain continued into the night, and by the evening of the second day, the temperature at the main venue in Perili Ozanlar Vadisi had dropped so much that our breaths were visible in the air.

The main act that night was RHYE, an electro-soul unit from Canada, known well in Japan. I had been a fan of their first album "WOMAN" for years and was excited to see them live for the first time. "WOMAN" was known for its bedroom-born electro-soul sound of the 2010s and the androgynous falsetto vocals of male singer Michael Milosh, reminiscent of Sade. However, the band, with its unusual lineup of keyboard, drums, bass, violin, and cello/trombone, had transformed the delicate electro-soul sound of "WOMAN" into an emotional acoustic sound. This was a delightful surprise! After touring around the world for over three years with the same band members since the release of "WOMAN," RHYE had evolved from Michael's imaginary unit into a real band. The past hits like "Open" and "The Fall" were performed live with extended lengths, and the new song "Please" fitted seamlessly into the set without any sense of incongruity.

As the night progressed, the rain intensified, but the audience, captivated by their spectacular performance, remained in front of the stage until the very end. Overwhelmed, Michael on stage exclaimed, "It's amazing that no one is leaving despite such terrible rain. You are all truly wonderful!" I returned to my hotel just before 2 AM and took a nap until 4:30 AM.

Mercan Dede at Dawn After Rain

On the morning of the third day, I was determined to see the sunrise concert by Sufi electronica artist Mercan Dede, which I had missed the previous year. The rain from the day before continued all night, and I had to walk through muddy paths to Red Valley. However, the typically dry and dusty Cappadocia was now vividly colorful with freshly grown green grass and red soil.

Unlike the clear previous day, Mercan Dede's sunrise concert was held under a rain shelter. He was leading a newly formed band called "Istanbul Quartet," consisting of young Roma musicians in their teens and twenties. The lineup included the ney, a violin-like bowed string instrument kemenche, clarinet, and goblet drum darbuka. The clarinetist was the son of Turkey's No. 1 player, Husnu Senlendirici. Ney player Burak Malcok and kemenche player Jaffer Nazirbash, each had released solo albums produced by Mercan. The youthful performance was so crisp it made us momentarily forget the heavy rain overhead. The young talents refreshed Mercan's signature songs and traditional Turkish tunes with a new sensibility. However, drained by the relentless rain and lack of sleep, I couldn't move around with my camera as usual. I could only enjoy their music while clutching heat packs under my hood.

"Without rain, there are no rainbows."

I interviewed Mercan after the concert at the luxury hotel "Argos in Cappadocia" where he was staying.

"This is my third performance at Cappadox. Actually, there had been no rain in Cappadocia this year, and about ten days ago, a rain prayer ceremony was held locally. And during that ceremony, it really started to rain for the first time in months. It's true. It even made the TV news.

In modern society, rain might seem like a nuisance, but that's not really the case. Here in Cappadocia, rain is a blessing. It's only for a brief period each year that Cappadocia is covered with such beautiful greenery.

Last night, I took photos of the audience from the stage. They looked like a rainbow in their red, blue, yellow, and green rainwear. There's a Sufi saying, 'Without rain, there are no rainbows.' This continued rain has brought a rainbow to Cappadocia."

Cappadox 2017 was rained on for three days and nights. And on the morning of the fourth day, after all the music programs had ended, the weather cleared up as if the previous night's bad weather had been a lie.
