ハーブズメンのトルコ食い倒れ旅番外編4Asma Yapragi再訪
2022年6月18日。ザ・ハーブズメンのトルコ食い倒れツアー、エーゲ海の町アラチャトゥ2泊目の夕飯は、僕のトルコの友人たちやNHKのテレビクルーたちと一緒に、この町で最も予約が取りにくいエーゲ海地方料理のお店『Asma Yaprağı(アスマ・ヤプラウー「葡萄の葉」の意味)』を訪れた。
NHKのテレビ撮影はお昼までに終了していた。そこで僕たちは午後から夕方までは宿のプールでひたすら泳ぎ、お腹を空かせることに専念した。そして午後7時前に宿を出て、人も車も全く通らない砂利道を数分歩くと、道路の左脇にアスマ・ヤプラウーの看板が見えてきた。側道を看板の矢印に沿って進むと、そこには野菜畑が広がっていた。素材にこだわるあまり、自家菜園まで始めたということか! 畑を眺めていると、まったく車通りのなかった道から自動車が一台ゆっくり近づいてきた。
ちなみに彼女のアルバム「Anadolu Ejderi(アナトリアのドラゴン)」は2022年の11月にワールドワイドリリースされた。
キッチンに入ると、前回同様に本日のメゼを並べた巨大テーブルが圧巻だ! ただ、大テーブルは前回のお店の1.5倍ほど大きくなり、料理がより一層主役に見えるようになった。琺瑯の大皿を数えると、前回と同じく17皿。どんな料理が待っているのか、まずは目で見て楽しもう。
いやあ、書いているだけでよだれがたれてきた! しかもここまでは肉を使わず、ベジタリアン料理なのだ(卵やチーズは使っている)。
「本当にベジタリアン料理ばかりだ! 圧巻ですね」と農家キレドの栗田貴志さん。
「でしょう! しかし、問題は、何を頼んで、何を頼まないか?」と僕。
森の木々に囲まれた野外のテーブル席に腰掛け、地酒ラクをグラスに注ぎ、全員で乾杯!シェレフェ! するとまたたく間に17種類のハーブ&野菜料理が運ばれてきて、広いテーブルを埋め尽くした。そのカラフルな様子ったら! 本当にこの店を再訪出来て良かった! 各々が大皿を手にとって料理を自分のお皿に取りわけたら、隣の人や欲しがっている人に回す。これを繰り返す。フランス料理のように一人一皿ではなく、大皿を全員でシェアする。これこそ僕が中東料理を大好きな理由の一つだ。中東料理には孤食なんてないのだ。
Herbsmen's Turkey Culinary Journey 4:Asma Yapragi
Salam's 11th book, "Marginal Foodie Tour," is set to be released in December 2023. Chapter 6, "Turkey - The Herbsmen and the Feast," originally contained some content that overlapped with Chapter 1, "Aegean Cuisine in Turkey." We've omitted it from the book, but I'm posting it here as a bonus for the book's release.
On June 18, 2022, for the second night of the Herbsmen's Turkish Culinary Tour in the Aegean town of Alacati, I visited "Asma Yaprağı" (meaning "Grape Leaf"), the most difficult-to-book Aegean regional cuisine restaurant in town, with my friends from Turkey and the NHK TV crew. I covered it in Chapter 1 of "Marginal Foodie Tour," but I had decided to revisit it since my first visit in June 2019. I was impressed by the vibrant appearance and simple yet intense flavors of the local herb and vegetable dishes and the way 17 types of mezes were displayed on a large platter on a big table.
Aegean regional cuisine is characterized by the use of more herbs and vegetables than any other regional cuisine in Turkey. Herbs include Italian parsley, dill, spearmint, and green onions. Vegetables range from kale, grape leaves, hogweed, purslane, zucchini flowers, to artichokes – many not commonly seen in Istanbul. "Asma Yaprağı" is a haven for enjoying Aegean regional cuisine using these ingredients. Like three years ago, I asked my friend Yetkin from the neighboring town of Cesme to reserve seats for 11 people.
Last time, this restaurant was right in the middle of the bustling old town of Alacati, bustling with tourists from all over the world. Stepping through its gate from the busy street, I found a calm, hidden space in a large courtyard. This time, checking the website again, I discovered the restaurant had moved from the center of the old town to the outskirts during the pandemic. The new address was coincidentally just a five-minute walk deep into the woods down the road in front of the inn we were staying at. This might be lucky.
The NHK TV filming had finished by noon. So we devoted the afternoon to swimming in the pool at the inn to work up an appetite. Then, just before 7 PM, we left the inn and walked a few minutes down a deserted gravel road. There, the sign for "Asma Yaprağı" appeared on the left side of the road. Following the arrow on the sign, we found ourselves in a vegetable garden. Their commitment to ingredients even led to starting their own garden! While admiring the garden, a car slowly approached from the otherwise empty road.
"Good evening, my friend!" came from Yetkin in the driver's seat, and from the back window, popular singer Gaye Su Akyol and her partner, guitarist Ali Güçlü Şimşek, greeted us, "Hi, Salam! How have you been?"
"I heard from Yetkin about bringing friends, but I didn't expect Gaye and Ali. When did you come to Alacati?"
"We just finished Gaye's new album late last night. After saving the data, we sped from Istanbul for five hours at dawn and reached Yetkin's house. We're starting our summer holiday today," Ali shared.
"I can't wait for Salam to hear the new album; it turned out great!" exclaimed Gaye.
Her album "Anadolu Ejderi" (Anatolian Dragon) was globally released in November 2022.
Passing through the gates of "Asma Yaprağı," the premise had expanded several times, but the layout of white bungalows surrounding a spacious garden with old wooden tables was just like the previous location. The surrounding buildings included the main house with a kitchen and a large table for dishes, a souvenir shop with local products, an indoor salon for bad weather or winter, a private salon for private parties, employee quarters, and several buildings under construction. Perhaps they plan to add accommodation in the future. More vegetable gardens stretched further back. It was the ideal farm-to-table restaurant for Aegean regional cuisine, and the relocation away from town likely only attracts true food enthusiasts.
Entering the kitchen, the giant table with today's mezes was as impressive as before, but now it was 1.5 times larger, making the dishes even more prominent. Counting the enamel plates, there were 17 dishes, just like before. Let's first enjoy them with our eyes.
Purslane salad with strawberries and walnuts.
Various herbs in "Mücver" (fritters).
Rice-stuffed zucchini flowers "Kabak Çiçeği Dolması."
Zucchini flower cheese-stuffed fritters.
Eggplant "Moussaka."
Grape leaf rice rolls "Asma Yaprağı Sarma," giving the restaurant its name. The above six dishes were the same as last time, but the remaining 11 were new to me.
Purslane, leafy greens, and beetroot salad.
Artichoke, broad bean, and dill salad.
Artichoke in olive oil with purslane.
"Mücver" of Good King Henry, topped with strained yogurt.
Salad of four types of beans and Italian parsley.
Baked eggplant with béchamel sauce gratin.
Tomato, green bean, and rice stew.
"Muhammara," red pepper, and walnut paste.
Baked eggplant and yogurt salad.
Fried eggplant and herb mixed pilaf.
Nettle, red pepper, and black olive stew. Just writing about them makes my mouth water! And all these are vegetarian dishes (though they use eggs and cheese).
"Really, all vegetarian dishes! Impressive," commented Takashi Kurita from Farmhouse Kireto.
"Right! But the problem is, what to order and what to leave out?" I pondered.
Then Ali, standing behind, said, "Since we're many, let's order everything!" That's a great idea!
Sitting at the outdoor table surrounded by forest trees, pouring local "rakı" into glasses, we toasted. Cheers! In no time, 17 types of herb & vegetable dishes were served, filling the large table. Their colorful appearance was truly a sight! I'm glad we revisited this place. Everyone picked up the large plates to serve themselves, then passed them around. Repeating this process is one of the reasons I love Middle Eastern cuisine – there's no solitary dining here.
Let me mention a few dishes we tried for the first time:
No. 8. Artichoke, broad bean, and dill salad. Artichokes, a vegetable not easily available in Japan, are something I often order while in Turkey. Tenderly cooked artichokes and broad beans, with contrasting textures and flavors, are unified with lemon, garlic, olive oil, and dill.
No. 11. Beans and Italian parsley salad. Different types of beans, including two sizes of white beans, kidney beans, and azuki beans, are boiled soft, mixed with Italian parsley, and seasoned with the usual lemon, garlic, and olive oil.
No. 13. Tomato, green bean, and rice stew. A tomato-flavored porridge, cooked until the ingredients are soft, good for digestion. If recreating in Japan, use Italian risotto rice instead of Japanese sticky rice.
No. 16. Fried eggplant and herb mixed pilaf. A salad-like dish using rice, mixed abundantly with Italian parsley and dill.
No. 17. Nettle, red pepper, and black olive stew. Rich olive broth from Aegean black olives and sweet-sour red peppers permeate the nettle.
Each mezze was basically seasoned with "lemon, garlic, parsley, olive oil," but the sun-drenched, windy Alacati's locally sourced vegetables are exceptionally flavorful. Each vegetable stands out in its own right.
At 9 PM, night finally fell. Surrounded by forest trees at an outdoor table, sharing drinks and delicious food with many friends – that's why I keep returning to Turkey in the summer.