Cappadox RTN 6:野外で焚火料理フルコース前編
English follows Japanese
するとすぐに「では、今年初めて開催されるオープン・ファイア・クッキングを予約しておきます。イスタンブルの人気レストラン、「Kilimanjaro(キリマンジャロ、現在は閉業)」のシェフ、Mustafa Otal(ムスタファ・オタル)が全ての料理をオープン・ファイア=焚火で作り、フルコースの料理をダイニングテーブルでサーブする野外のガストロノミーイベントです。きっと素晴らしい体験になりますよ」と返事が来た。
おお、全ての料理を焚火で作るなんて、野外遺跡カッパドキアにふさわしい。これはすごそうだ! その後、ウェブサイトに掲載された情報も記しておこう。
奇岩に彫り抜かれた階段をロープを手に握りながら谷底まで下る。帰り道も同じ道を歩いて登るのだろうか? 酔ったら足を踏み外してしまいそうだ。そんな心配をしながら、崖道を降りると、谷底には横長のダイニングテーブルが二列と、その上には雨除けの屋根が設営され、手前には確かにDJブースまで組まれていた。その奥は調理スペースになっていて、シェフのムスタファと十数名のスタッフがゲストを迎える準備を行っていた。
調理スペースの左側は直径1mほどの円形にレンガが組まれ、中心に薪が燃やされ、その上に太い木を組み合わせた四面の櫓が組まれ、その3つの面には頭と内臓を取り除き、皮をはぎ、塩とハーブと油でマリネした丸ごとの仔山羊が磔にされて炙られていた。既に表面はカリカリに焼けていて、辺りには炭火で肉の焼ける香りが漂っている。これは仔山羊の丸焼き「オーラック」じゃないか! 書籍を通じて知ってはいた料理だが、見るのも食べるのも初めてだ! 来て良かった~!
調理スペースを一通り覗いた後、参加者がぱらぱらと着席すると、まずトルコ語または英語のメニューが配られた。目を通すと確かに15種類以上の料理が書かれている。さらに、メニューの右側には料理に対応する6種類のワインまで書かれていた。おっと今流行りの料理とワインのペアリング・メニューとなっているのか。しかもワインはトゥラサンやコジャバアなど全てカッパドキア産だ。地元の食材に地元のワイン! 実はカッパドキアのワインは2000年近い歴史を誇る。カッパドキアに逃げ込んだ初期のキリスト教徒は奇岩を穿った地下都市に暮らしながらも、ワイン造りを絶やすことがなかったためだ。
彼女たちは、ウチヒサルの高級ホテル「Argos in Cappadocia」で働いていて、毎年カッパドックスを楽しみにしているという。
Cappadox RTN 6: Open Fire Cookings in the Outdoors
Outdoor Open Fire Gastronomy Event
In May 2017, I revisited the festival "Cappadox" set against the backdrop of Cappadocia's UNESCO World Heritage sites in Turkey. Having documented the 2016 edition, including its music, this time I'll focus on the gourmet event "Open Fire Cooking." Unlike the music events, the gourmet event had a limited capacity of around 50 people. Thus, the previous year, I could only partake in a Cappadocia wine workshop. This year, upon applying for coverage, I requested the PR representative from the organizing promotion company, Pozitif, to "please reserve a spot for me at the grandest gourmet event!" I was promptly advised, "In that case, we'll reserve for you the Open Fire Cooking, a new event this year. Chef Mustafa Otal from Istanbul's popular restaurant, Kilimanjaro (now closed), will prepare a full-course meal over an open fire and serve it at the dining table in an outdoor gastronomy event. It will surely be a wonderful experience." Oh, preparing all dishes over an open fire, suitable for the outdoor ruins of Cappadocia, sounds incredible! Let's note the information posted on their website as well.
"Chef Mustafa Otal invites attendees of Cappadox to abandon modern cooking methods and head to where it all began. All ingredients are organic, and the entire cooking process includes organic materials such as ash, soil, mud, wood, and rocks. The Open Fire Cooking event, set in nature, will take you to the origins of flavor. Open Fire Cooking starts early in the day, surrounding an ever-burning fire, selecting fresh vegetables and herbs from nature, and preparing meat specially for the festival. At the end of this rigorous yet enjoyable process, you can indulge in a 15-dish meal composed of appetizers, main courses, and desserts. The unique aromas, textures, and tastes are unmatched anywhere else in the world. You will satisfy both your stomach and soul with meals served at a long banquet table in a private location, not just an ordinary place, accompanied by a DJ set."
15 dishes all cooked solely by open fire is truly a concept befitting the descendants of Mongolian nomads, a title the Turkish people proudly claim.
Open Fire Cooking in Nature
On May 18, 2017, at 4 PM, fortunately, it was cloudy. About 60 participants gathered at the temporary bus stop in Uchisar. Almost all were Turkish, with only about five foreigners, including us. After a 20-minute ride on two medium-sized buses along unpaved roads, we were dropped off in the middle of nowhere. To the west was Uchisar Castle, and to the north, the peculiar rock formations of Goreme were visible. A sign reading "Open Fire Cooking in Nature" in Turkish stood before us. Following the arrow for a few minutes, the seemingly flat path turned into a cliff, leading down to a valley and river below. We were walking on the top of a rock formation. Descending to the valley along a carved staircase while holding onto ropes, I wondered if we'd return the same way. Would a misstep while intoxicated lead to a fall? Amid these concerns, upon reaching the bottom, two long dining tables were set up with a roof overhead for rain protection, and indeed, a DJ booth was also in place. Behind was the cooking area, where Chef Mustafa and about a dozen staff were preparing to welcome guests.
To the left of the cooking area, a circular brick arrangement about 1 meter in diameter had firewood burning at its center, with a four-sided tower constructed above it. On three sides, whole goats, skinned, gutted, and marinated with salt, herbs, and oil, were being roasted. Their surfaces were already crisply cooked, filling the air with the aroma of char-grilled meat. This was the whole roasted goat "Orlack" – a dish I knew from books but was seeing and tasting for the first time. What a great decision to come! The man in the blue T-shirt and bearded, the star of the day, Chef Mustafa Otal, was checking the doneness of the Orlack. When I pointed the camera at him, he responded with a smile and a peace sign. On the right side of the cooking area, several charcoal ovens and BBQ grills were lined up, with young staff grilling slices of asparagus and onion. And in the center, a table was set for serving, where a handsome staff member with dreadlocks was portioning appetizers onto small plates. With over 60 guests outdoors, the setup was impressively formal, serving a seated full-course meal instead of a buffet – a learning moment for me, considering I resort to buffet style even for about 30 people in my mobile tavern...
After a tour of the cooking area, as participants began to take their seats, either a Turkish or English menu was distributed. Scanning it confirmed the presence of over 15 dishes. Additionally, the right side of the menu listed six types of wine corresponding to the dishes. Ah, the current trend of pairing meals with wines. Moreover, all wines, such as Turasan and Kocabağ, were locally produced in Cappadocia. Local ingredients paired with local wines! Indeed, Cappadocia's wines boast a nearly 2000-year history, preserved by early Christians who fled to the region, carving out underground cities while continuing their winemaking.
Even Turks doesn't know their dishes
Despite my frequent travels to Turkey, I'm embarrassed to admit my lack of proficiency in Turkish. However, I've memorized the names of basic ingredients and cooking methods in Turkish, believing I could at least decipher restaurant menus. Yet, this time, the menu was filled with unfamiliar words, leaving me puzzled over half of it. Reluctantly, I began reading the English menu. Similarly, the Turkish women seated opposite also switched from the Turkish to the English menu.
"It's funny, isn't it? Even though it's written in Turkish, we're seeing these dish names for the first time too, unable to even imagine what they might be," they laughed. They worked at the luxury hotel "Argos in Cappadocia" in Uchisar, eagerly anticipating Cappadox every year.
"Cappadox isn't a festival of easily accessible pop music, it features wonderful musicians like Mercan Dede, making it a unique festival. And such a full-scale gourmet event is a first for us, so we booked early."
The open fire cooking by Istanbul's young elite chef using Cappadocia's ingredients, ancient cooking methods, and local wines garnered attention not only from festival attendees from major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir but also from the local gourmet and tourism industries.
(To be continued)