English follows Japanese
BBQ屋『Bar & Grill Na Kazimierzu』
「Jewish Culture Festival」の会場では毎晩、音楽業界の古くからの友人たちと再会した。7月2日土曜の夜はイスラエルの友人ダンと、ポーランド人のジョヴィータと食べ歩いた。二人とは毎年、ワールドミュージックのエキスポ「WOMEX」をはじめ、世界の様々なフェスの会場で会い、その度に美味しい物を一緒に食べ歩いてきた。いわば音楽と美味いものを追求する悪友だ。
「カジミエシュのノビ広場にある、BBQ屋『Bar & Grill Na Kazimierzu(カジミエシュのバー&グリル)』さ。いつも列が出来ているけど、何を頼んでも美味しいんだ。特に太いソーセージと自家製のキュウリのピクルスが最高なんだよ。ちょうどお腹が減ったから今から行ってみよう!」
「やっぱりここね! この屋台は最高。私はベジタリアンだけど、ベジタリアン用の野菜グリルもあるんです」
僕はダンのおすすめ、「ビゴス」と血のソーセージ「カシャンカ」を頼んだ。ビゴスは牛、豚、ソーセージ、ザワークラウト、その他がクッタクッタの肉と発酵食品のごった煮。2日も3日もかけてじっくり煮込んだものが美味いとされる。早速いただくと、味は酸っぱくて塩っぱくて濃厚な旨味祭りだ! その上、肉は柔らかい。これは美味い! そしてカシャンカは豚の血に加えてカシャと呼ばれる蕎麦の実が入っているので、フランスの血のソーセージ「ブーダン・ノワール」と比べるとくどくはない。
美味い! この屋台の料理はガスのグリルでジャージャーと焼いただけなのにどれも美味い! それはこの店で提供されるソーセージや野菜、チーズ自体が美味いということだろうか。それともおばちゃんたちの調理法に何かの秘密があるのだろうか? 次回クラクフを訪れた時に質問してみよう。
ショット専門バー『Zakąski i wódka』
夜のライブの終了後の午後9時すぎ、ダンとジョヴィータにノビ広場の北側にあるショット酒専門のバー『Zakąski i wódka(ザコンスキ・イ・ウォッカ=前菜とウォッカ)』に案内された。ここはお店は奥に向かって細く縦長で、中央をバーカウンターが区切り、左側がバーテンダーのおばちゃんが立つカウンター兼オープンキッチン、右が呑兵衛たちが屯うスペースとなっている。ショット酒一杯が6ズウォチ前後(190円)と格安。
BQ stall & Pub in Krakow
BBQ stall "Bar & Grill Na Kazimierzu"
At the venue of the Jewish Culture Festival, I met with old friends from the music business every night. On the evening of July 2nd, I roamed around with my friend Dan from Israel and Jovita from Poland. Every year, I have met with them at various festivals around the world, such as the WOMEX World Music Expo, and we always enjoy tasting delicious food together. In a way, they are my partners in crime in pursuing music and good food.
Dan is an Israeli with Polish roots, so he speaks a little Polish and often visited Krakow for work. I asked him for some restaurant recommendations.
"You should go to the BBQ place, 'Bar & Grill Na Kazimierzu' in Novy Square in Kazimierz. There's always a line, but everything is delicious. Especially, their thick sausages and homemade pickles are the best. I'm getting hungry, let's go now!"
There were many food stalls in Novy Square at dusk, and each of them had a line, but 'Bar & Grill Na Kazimierzu' stood out because of the smell of roasting meat wafting around.
When we peeked at the stall, there were gas BBQ grills and iron griddles side by side, with 'Kiełbasa' sausages and 'Shashlik' (Shish kebab), alternating chicken and vegetables on skewers, steaks of beef and chicken, and pitch-black blood sausages sizzling loudly. In front of it, three groups of smiling customers were lined up. Naturally, Dan and I also lined up at the back.
As two middle-aged men grinned while lining up, Jovita spotted us from afar and approached.
"I knew you would be here! This stall is the best. I'm a vegetarian, but they also have a grilled vegetable option for vegetarians."
Gigantic Sausage!
After waiting for about 5 minutes, Dan placed an order in Polish. Then a woman with glasses served a devastatingly large Kiełbasa on a paper plate, accompanied by plenty of sauerkraut and pickles.
I ordered Dan's recommendation, Bigos, and a blood sausage called 'Kaszanka'. Bigos is a hodgepodge of beef, pork, sausage, sauerkraut, and other ingredients cooked slowly over 2 or 3 days. When I tasted it, it was a sour, salty, and rich umami feast! The meat was tender. It was delicious! Kaszanka is not as heavy as the French blood sausage 'Boudin Noir' because it contains buckwheat seeds, in addition to pork's blood.
Vegetarian Jovita ordered a grilled mixed vegetable and my favorite, the smoked sheep cheese 'Oscypek'. Oscypek is a cheese made only in the Tatra Mountains in southern Poland. It is shaped like a medieval spinning wheel, soaked in salt water, and then smoked. The surface is smoky, and the inside has a chewy texture like a combination of mozzarella and Okinawan tofu. Once you eat it, you'll get addicted. At this stall, they served it grilled with plenty of cranberry jam. The saltiness of Oscypek and the sweetness of the jam go together perfectly.
Delicious! Even though all the dishes at this stall are just sizzled on a gas grill, they are all delicious! Is it because the sausages, vegetables, and cheese themselves are delicious? Or is there some secret in the way the ladies cook? I'll ask next time I visit Krakow.
Shot pub "Zakąski i wódka"
After the night's live performances ended just past 9 p.m., Dan and Jovita took me to a small pub called 'Zakąski i wódka' (Appetizers and Vodka), located on the north side of Nowy Square. This place has a narrow, elongated interior extending towards the back, with a bar counter bisecting the center. The left side host the bar counter open kitchen, where a female bartender operates, and the right side is the gathering space for the guests. Shots are incredibly affordable, around 6 Zloty each (approximately 190 yen). The bar serves Poland's unique vodkas and Nalewka, an alcoholic beverage made with fruits or herbs.
Nalewka is essentially a liqueur, where fruits, herbs, or nuts are steeped in spiritus. The alcohol content is around 40%, with standard flavors including cherry, raspberry, blueberry, black currant, lemon, and ginger. I also spotted Nalewkas with pear, peach, orange, honey, coffee, hazelnut, and elderflower flavors at a specialty store in Krakow's Old Town.
I indulged in two rounds of Elderflower and Raspberry Nalewkas, followed by a cocktail recommended by Jovita for my third drink. The cocktail was a hazelnut Nalewka with a dash of milk. As expected, the alcohol was potent, but the addition of milk made it feel significantly milder.
Heartwarming and gentle food for drinkers
Unsurprisingly, after downing shots at half past midnight, I craved something to eat. Consequently, we ordered a few of the bar's staple dishes. First was the raw beef Tartare Steak, known as 'Tatar' in Polish. Throughout this trip, I've been eating Tartare almost daily. It seemed necessary to fortify my stomach with raw meat before the alcohol could burn through it.
Next came the 'Lard,' which is made from pork back fat. This dish is essentially a mix of finely chopped lard, bacon, and onions, generously spread over thin toast before serving. Oh, the temptation of packed umami from the pork and the intense fat and carbohydrates... I couldn't resist reaching for it, even though I was on a low-carb diet. I consoled myself, reasoning it as a strong alcohol countermeasure.
Finally, for the perfect finish, we had the fermented rye soup 'Żurek,' which I had been enjoying throughout my trip. Oh, the healing sensation it brings to the stomach and intestines. The Polish liquor is incredibly strong, but the food is heartwarming and gentle.