English Follows Japanese
予想していたよりもはるかに小さな国鉄駅に到着し、タクシーに乗って旧市街の西側の森林地帯にある中世の修道院を改装した宿「Paracio del Carmen」に到着。宿坊を元にした狭い部屋にチェックインし、窓を開けると目の前には緑の森と、その奥に広がる緩やかな丘陵が広がっていた。空はどんよりとした鉛色で、しとしとと雨が降り始めていた。本格的に降り出す前に街歩きに出かけよう。
坂道を5分ほど上り、息が切れてきた頃、いきなり右側にだだっ広い広場が開けた。街のヘソにあたるオブラドイロ広場だ。広場に足を踏み入れると、向かって左側に壮麗な大聖堂がそびえたっていた。おお、これがサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ大聖堂か! 目の前にそびえたつ崖のようなファザードはゴテゴテのバロック建築だが、全体的には上へ上へと伸びていくゴシック建築であり、この建築物が数世紀にわたって建て増しされてきたことが窺える。
広場では世界中から集まった巡礼者たちと観光客が大聖堂を目の前に見惚れていたり、感極まって泣いていたり、手を繋いで讃美歌を歌っていたりする。僕が「1300年前の教会関係者の企ては大成功だなあ!」などと、イヤミなことを考えていたせいだろうか、いきなり空に雷がゴロゴロと鳴り出し、滝のような大雨が降ってきた! バチでも当たったか? しかも冬に稲妻なんて? いやいや、これこそ冬のサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラの洗礼なのだ。
魚屋の店頭に目を向けると、リアス式海岸ならではの多種多様な海の幸がビカ、ビカァ~っと目に飛び込んできた。カメノテにムール貝、マテ貝、ザル貝、帆立貝に身まで真っ黒の黒帆立貝、牡蠣に蛸、コウイカなど。そして、魚は片口鰯、鰯、鱸やエイ、ヒメジ、カレイにアンコウ、メルルーサ、鯛に鮭。蟹は黒くて小さなワタリガニ、褐色の大きな泥蟹は「海の牛」と呼ばれる種類だ。海老も背中を丸めたオレンジピンクのヒゲナガエビから、真っ赤で巨大な赤海老、長いハサミをまっすぐ伸ばしたアカザエビ、そしてヨーロピアン・ロブスターなどなどなど! どれも鮮度が高く眩しいほどに輝いている。そして、その鮮度を誇示するかのように魚屋の主人たちが活気ある声で通り過ぎるお客に声をかけている。見ているだけ幸せになる風景だ。
中でも僕の目を引いたのは大好物のカメノテと、ビーゴで食べたものよりもさらに大きなアカザエビ、そしてザル貝だ。カメノテは鮮やかな赤色をした触手が嘴の先で蠢いているし、アカザエビは大きな卵をお腹に抱いているのだ! ここで買わなくてどうする! カメノテを300g、アカザエビ6尾、そしてザル貝400gを買い込んだ。
しばらくすると、目の前に湯気の立つ皿が運ばれてきた。最初はザル貝の塩茹で。小ぶりな貝ながら、アサリとは一線を画す濃厚な旨味、そして不思議なほどの甘さがある。更に噛むたびにガリシアの海の味わいが口の中に広がるのだ! 美味い!
次に登場したのは巨大なアカザエビ。一尾あたり100グラム以上もある個体で、しかもオレンジ色の卵を抱えているという贅沢さだ。その身を一口頬張ると、プリプリとした食感とともに、豊かな甘みが広がる。数の子のようなコリコリした食感の卵もたまらない! まさに絶品。まさに海老の王子!
Indulging in Seafood in Santiago de Compostela
From Vigo to Santiago de Compostela
On the evening of October 26, 2022, I boarded an express train from the port town of Vigo in Galicia, heading to my next destination, Santiago de Compostela. The journey took less than an hour, and along the way, the train passed through Padrón, the town that gave its name to the famous green peppers known as "Padrón peppers." Having eaten these peppers almost daily since arriving in Galicia, I was reminded that they are truly a local specialty as the train pressed onward.
We arrived at a much smaller national railway station than I had anticipated. From there, I took a taxi to my accommodation, the "Paracio del Carmen," a former medieval monastery turned hotel, located in the forested area on the west side of the old town. After checking into a small room converted from a monastic cell, I opened the window to see a lush green forest and rolling hills stretching out in the distance. The sky was leaden, and a light drizzle had just begun. I decided to head out for a walk before the rain picked up.
The History of Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela, the capital of Galicia, is one of the most important pilgrimage destinations for Christians. The name "Santiago de Compostela" means "St. James (Santiago) of the field of stars (Compostela)."
St. James, one of Jesus Christ’s twelve apostles, crossed the Mediterranean from the Middle East to preach the teachings of Christ in the Iberian Peninsula. Though he was martyred in Jerusalem, his body was said to have been transported to the Iberian Peninsula and buried in Galicia. About 800 years later, a Christian hermit named Pelayo, guided by the voice of an angel and a strange star shining in the sky, discovered the tomb of St. James. While modern people might dismiss this as an impossibility, understanding the historical context of the Iberian Peninsula at that time reveals why such a miraculous event was essential.
In the early 8th century, the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by the Umayyad Caliphate, and the entire region fell under Muslim rule, later transitioning to the Emirate of Córdoba. Northern Iberia, including Galicia, became the front line in the Christian Reconquista to reclaim lands lost to Muslim forces. At this point, Christians urgently needed a miracle and a symbol to unite them—thus the adage "those who believe will be saved."
This miraculous discovery, or what we might now call "post-truth," led to the area being named Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrims from across Europe began making their way to this sacred site via the "Camino de Santiago" (the Way of St. James), a route that stretches about 800 km across northern Spain. Thus, a new plan to establish a sacred site based on faith and regional pride was set in motion.
In the 12th century, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral was completed to house the remains of St. James, and the city became one of the three major Christian pilgrimage destinations, along with Rome and Jerusalem. Even today, over 400,000 people (in 2022) from around the world travel to northern Spain by foot, bus, car, and other means to undertake the pilgrimage.
Thanks to this, Santiago de Compostela’s old town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985, and the Camino de Santiago followed in 1993. Unlike the commercial city of Vigo, Santiago de Compostela is a religious tourism city with over a thousand years of history.
The Path to the Cathedral
Leaving my hotel, I walked east for about five minutes through a residential area surrounded by forest until I reached the western entrance of the old town. From there, a cobblestone road typical of medieval Europe wound upward, lined with boutique hotels, B&Bs, and restaurants housed in small, renovated medieval buildings.
After climbing for about five minutes and feeling winded, I suddenly came upon a large open square to my right. This was Obradoiro Square, the heart of the city. As I stepped into the square, I was greeted by the magnificent sight of the cathedral towering to my left. Wow, this is Santiago de Compostela Cathedral! The baroque façade was intricately detailed, while the overall structure reached skyward in the Gothic style, a testament to centuries of additions to the building.
In the square, pilgrims and tourists from around the world stood in awe of the cathedral, some overcome with emotion and tears, others singing hymns hand in hand. Just as I cynically thought, "The church officials’ 1,300-year-old scheme was a huge success!" thunder rumbled in the sky, and torrential rain began to pour. Was I being punished? And lightning in the winter? No, this was simply the welcome of winter in Santiago de Compostela.
This city experiences rain more than 150 days a year, with October and November bringing rainfall equivalent to Tokyo’s rainy season. Fortunately, I wasn’t hungry, having eaten a large lunch. I decided to save my food pilgrimage and old town sightseeing for the next day and took shelter in a semi-underground bar behind the cathedral. The sound of heavy rain outside mixed with the loud 70s rock music inside created an otherworldly atmosphere.
Morning at the Abastos Market
The next morning, the sky was still a leaden gray, and it could start raining at any moment. Armed with an umbrella and rain jacket, I set out for the old town. The air was damp and clung to my skin, still carrying the aftereffects of the previous day’s storm. I retraced my steps past the cathedral and then continued southward along the narrow cobblestone streets of the old town. The white walls and red-tiled roofs of the old town were slick with rain, and along the streets, souvenir shops displayed scallop shells and wooden staffs for the pilgrims. It felt as if I had traveled back in time. After passing through streets bustling with pilgrims and tourists, I turned left and soon arrived at the Abastos Market, located on the eastern side of the old town.
Established in 1873, the market was built in response to the city’s rapidly growing population, requiring a large-scale market within the old town. The site covers about 3,000 square meters, and the current stone structure was rebuilt in 1941.
Inside the spacious, single-story building, four parallel aisles ran through the market, lined with stalls on either side selling vegetables, meat, dairy products, dried goods, bakery items, flowers, bars, restaurants, and, of course, fish. The scent of meat and fish filled the air, and the concrete floors were damp with moisture. Since it was still morning, there were no tourists—only locals shopping for groceries.
At the fishmongers’ stalls, an array of seafood from the nearby rías (coastal inlets) glittered brightly: gooseneck barnacles, mussels, razor clams, cockles, scallops, black-shelled scallops, oysters, octopus, cuttlefish, and more. As for fish, there were anchovies, sardines, sea bass, rays, red mullet, sole, monkfish, hake, bream, and salmon. The crabs included small, black blue crabs and large, brown mud crabs known as "sea cows." The selection of shrimp was just as impressive, ranging from plump orange-pink langoustines to bright red giant shrimp, European lobsters, and more. Everything was so fresh it seemed to shine, and the fishmongers enthusiastically called out to passing customers, proudly displaying their wares. It was a sight that made me happy just to behold.
Among the offerings, what caught my eye were my favorites: gooseneck barnacles, larger langoustines than I had seen in Vigo, and cockles. The gooseneck barnacles were a vibrant red, their tendrils wriggling at the tips, and the langoustines carried large eggs under their bellies! There was no way I could resist. I bought 300 grams of gooseneck barnacles, six langoustines, and 400 grams of cockles.
Within the market, several restaurants and bars offer to cook the seafood you’ve just bought, preparing it by boiling or grilling with salt. I took my purchases to a place called "Mariscomanía," one aisle over from the fish stalls. The cooking fee was €6 per dish.
Bringing the Seafood to the Restaurant!
I sat at one of the high tables lining the aisle and, while waiting for the food, naturally ordered a bottle of the local white wine, Albariño. Its light texture, refreshing acidity, and salty notes, characteristic of grapes grown near the sea, made it a favorite during my stay in Galicia—I drank at least one bottle with every meal. Even after returning to Japan, I regularly order it online to enjoy with seafood.
After a short wait, steaming dishes were brought to the table. First came the boiled cockles. Despite their small size, they had a rich umami and an extraordinary sweetness that set them apart from clams. Each bite filled my mouth with the taste of the Galician sea—delicious!
Next up were the enormous langoustines, each weighing over 100 grams and carrying vibrant orange eggs. The meat was plump and sweet, and the roe had a crunchy texture similar to kazunoko (herring roe). They were truly exquisite—a royal treat!
But what moved me the most were the freshly boiled gooseneck barnacles. I peeled away the tough skin and outer shell to reveal the creamy, springy flesh inside. One bite unleashed the full briny flavor of the sea, rushing over me like the waves of the rías. I closed my eyes to savor the sensation.
All the seafood I enjoyed amidst the lively atmosphere of the market had been nurtured by the rías of Galicia. Their simple yet profound flavors reminded me of the seafood I had tasted in Japan, particularly in Sanriku and Toyama—familiar yet refreshingly new.
As I left the market after my meal, the rain had begun to fall once again. The rain accentuated the old cobblestones and the antiquity of the buildings, making me feel as though I had truly stepped back in time to the medieval era.