


ザ・ハーブズメンが集まるといつでも乾杯! シェレフェ!



ネオローカルはトルコ南東部出身のマクスットが、イスタンブル近郊の提携農家の農作物やローカルな食材を用いて、地域に根ざした伝統料理を現代的なスタイルで表現し、トルコ産のナチュラルワインとともにサーブすることで、新世代のトルコ料理を代表する人気実力店となった。インターネット上のレストランランク付けサイト「The World's 50 Best Restaurants.com」の2023年度にはなんと世界第63位に選ばれている。


ネオローカルはガラタ塔近くの僕たちの宿から徒歩10分。カラキョイ埠頭へ向かう急な坂を下り、19世紀末に建てられた官公庁ビル街の一角にある元銀行の建物を改装した文化施設「SALT Galata」の最上階にある。屋上の広いテラスや全面ガラス張りの店内からは、カラキョイ埠頭や金角湾、旧市街が見渡せる。これまで僕は二回、夕食時に訪れ、料理とともに夜景を楽しんだが、今回はテレビ撮影クルーが付いてくるため、初めてお昼時に訪れた。




一本目のワインはサラームお気に入りのエーゲ海地方のワイナリー、Kastro Tireliのオレンジワイン。クヴェヴリ(ジョージアのワイン造りに欠かせない素焼きの瓶)で醸造熟成させ、葡萄はローカル品種のナリンジェとヴィオニエ


















小さな立方体にカットされた肉塊は量こそ控えめだが、ナイフで切り分けてソースとともに口に入れると、首肉ならではの複雑なテクスチャーがホロホロでトロトロ。そこにラムの旨味、エッセンスがグッと凝縮されていた。これは美味い!美味すぎる! これならラムバサダーのシャンカール・ノグチさんも満足では? ふと顔を上げると、いつもは食べながら話が止まらないザ・ハーブズメンの3人が完全に無言になっていた。それでいて顔つきは真剣そのもの。マクスットが作るトルコの過去、現在、未来を見据えた料理に完全にノックアウトされてしまったのだ。テレビカメラは回り続けているのに、誰一人気の利いた事を言えなくなってしまったのだった……。


Turkey:The Herbsmen vol.1 Neolokal

Salam's 11th book, "The Marginal Foodie Tour", will be released in December 2023. Chapter 6, "Turkey:The Herbsmen Eat'em all! " originally contained articles that overlapped in part with Chapter 1, "Turkish and Aegean Cuisine.'' I omitted them in the book, but I will post them here. Please enjoy this as a bonus to celebrate the release of the book.

On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, the fourth day of The Herbsmen's culinary journey in Turkey, we revisited the restaurant 'Neolokal,' run by my friend and popular chef, Maksut Askar. I had first visited Neolokal in the summer of 2019, an experience I documented in the first chapter of "Marginal Foodie Tour," which I highly recommend reading.

首都アンカラ近郊のGelveriワイナリーのオレンジワイン「Koku Uzum」。色は琥珀色。濃厚な杏と森の土の香り。こちらもクヴェヴリで醸造発酵させてあり、美味い! 日本にも輸入されているようだ

Neolokal, led by Maksut, a native of Southeastern Turkey, has become a popular and prestigious establishment, representing the new generation of Turkish cuisine. It uses local ingredients and produce from affiliated farms near Istanbul, creatively presenting traditional dishes with a modern twist, paired with Turkish natural wines. In 2023, Neolokal impressively ranked 63rd in the online restaurant ranking site "The World's 50 Best Restaurants.com."

This visit marked our exploration of the future of Turkish cuisine, having previously savored traditional dishes, street food, and Ottoman court cuisine. Neolokal is located on the top floor of 'SALT Galata,' a cultural facility in a former bank building near the Galata Tower. The restaurant offers stunning views of the Karakoy Pier, Golden Horn, and the old city from its spacious terrace and glass-enclosed interior. This was my first lunchtime visit to Neolokal, usually frequented for dinner to enjoy the cuisine and night views. I met with owner-chef Maksut after half a year. At the end of 2021, during a visit to Gaziantep, a gourmet city in Southeastern Turkey, I revisited Neolokal and then dined at his favorite Black Sea cuisine Lokanta.


Maksut, always beaming with a broad smile, welcomed The Herbsmen - myself and two others, and thanked us for choosing Neolokal for our first trip to Turkey. He promised a delightful experience with their tasting menu and recommended natural wines.

The first dishes were two types of amuse-bouche themed around the "Meyhane (tavern) experience." The left dish reconstructed the first three items typically ordered in a Meyhane - 'Raki, Melon, and White Cheese.' The melon, dried into a fruit leather, was soaked in the anise-flavored spirit Raki, topped with white cheese whipped cream, sprinkled with smacked herbs (Middle Eastern 'Yukari') and Isot, a red pepper powder roasted until black. This one-bite dish unfolded the entire Meyhane scene in the mind. The right dish, a roll-shaped amuse-bouche, contained roasted red pepper and walnut paste, known as Muhammara, another reinterpretation of a classic Meyhane mezze.

This was followed by two types of hummus, served with the first bottle of Aegean orange wine. The square-plated 'Winter Hummus' was a Turkish-style hummus with less tahini, garnished with dried and powdered beets, blueberries, peppers, and mint, adding subtle flavors and vibrant colors. The small yellow on the top right represented a quail's semi-cooked egg, symbolizing a tiny sun of winter. The round-plated 'Spring Hummus' was lighter and spicier, whipped with pickle juice from chili peppers and adorned with spring vegetables like fava beans, asparagus, dill, and edible flowers, drizzled with orange and yuzu sauce and herb oil.

The next mezze was a grape leaf-wrapped Sea Bass. The marinated sea bass fillet was minced, dried to a crisp like nori, and wrapped in grape leaves. Topped with pink salt-cured bonito cubes, orange-colored bottarga, nori tempura, and a fish stock cream, it was a symphony of flavors and textures in one bite.

The fish dish was Black Bass Mi-cuit, a soup-based preparation. The large bass fillet, quickly heated in a hot oven, was submerged in a frothy soup made from bass bones and vegetable stock of white beans and onions. Green onion herb oil was drizzled over, and whole spices of coriander, cumin, and fennel were scattered. The softness of the fish, crunchy vegetables, airy foam, and the burst of flavors from each spice made for a dynamic culinary experience.

After a palate-cleansing nettle sherbet, we opened the second bottle of local natural wine, leading to the main meat dish: oven-roasted lamb neck. Opting for the tougher, sinew-rich neck meat, it was slow-cooked for 14 hours. The greenery on the left concealed an undercooked green wheat Freekeh and vermicelli pilaf, while the right-side ochre paste was a reinterpretation of the Black Sea's Muhlama dish, made with Freekeh flour and Tulum Peyniri (a fermented cheese wrapped in goat or sheep skin), representing the Aegean style. Topped with lamb gravy and green herb oil, it was reminiscent of the traditional Anatolian inland dish, Tandir Kuzu (Tandoor-cooked lamb).

The small cubes of lamb meat were modest in quantity but rich in flavor and texture, offering a concentrated essence of lamb. The Herbsmen, usually chatty while eating, were utterly silenced by Maksut's interpretation of Turkey's past, present, and future cuisines. Overwhelmed by the dishes, we found ourselves unable to articulate our thoughts, even with the TV cameras rolling.
