Cappadox RTN 5: 夜明けの熱気球と音楽コンサート
English follows Japanese
Cappadox Returns!
フェス3日目の5月20日、朝から宿のハマムで身体の疲れを取り、10時すぎまで友人たちとゆっくり朝食を食べていると、テーブルの脇に「Cappadox」のプログラム冊子を見つけた。僕は出発ぎりぎりまで猛烈に忙しく、フェスのプログラムや出演アーティストについてはスマホ版の「Cappadox」アプリをダウンロードして軽く目を通しただけで、実際に印刷されたプログラム冊子を見るのはその時が初めてだった。何気なく冊子を開き、3日目のスケジュールを見ると、なんと、その朝6時からローズ・ヴァレーで行われていたサンライズ・コンサートに昨年と同じスーフィー音楽家メルジャン・デデが出演しているではないか! ガーン、大ショック! 僕が「Cappadox」取材を決めたのは、YouTubeにアップされていた前年、メルジャン・デデが明け方のローズ・ヴァレーで演奏しているのを見たからだったのに!
そのビデオの中で彼は、明け方の太陽によって岩の表面の色がバラ色に輝くローズ・ヴァレーの野外で、100台の熱気球が浮かび上がる中、ゆったりとした循環コードのアンビエント曲を葦笛ネイの奏者、ヴァイオリン奏者とともに演奏していた。こんなシチュエーションで彼の音楽を聴きたい! そんな思いから、僕はここまで来たというのに!
通常、音楽フェスでは同じアーティストが同じロケーションに2年連続で出演することはまずない。だから、僕は今年のサンライズ・コンサートにメルジャン・デデが出演することはないと勝手に決めつけていた。その上、前日の早朝に熱気球に乗れたことですっかり満足してしまい、サンライズ・コンサートに行こうとさえ思いもしなかった。折角はるばる日本から取材に来たのに、一番観たかった演奏を見逃すなんて何をやってるんだ! やはりプログラムには事前にしっかり目を通しておくべきなのだ! 僕は普段はめったなことで落ち込むことはないが、さすがにしばらくは落ち込んでしまった。
そんな失態も夕方からウチヒサル農園で行われたTaksim Trio(タクシム・トリオ)、そして夜にウチヒサル城塞で行われたDhafer Youssef(ダフェール・ユーセフ)の演奏を観て挽回できた。
Taksim Trio、ロマのヴァーチュオーゾ・トリオ
タクシム・トリオは長年、トルコの歌謡曲の裏方として活動してきた、ロマの三人の若手精鋭演奏家、クラリネット奏者。Hüsnü Şenlendirici (ヒュスヌ・シェンレンディリチ、エレクトリック・サズ粗奏者のİsmail Tunç Bilek(イスマイル・トゥンチビレク)、カーヌーン奏者のAytaç Dogan(アイタチ・ドーアン)によって結成されたインストゥルメンタル・トリオ。往年のトルコ歌謡ヒット曲やオリジナル曲をロマならではの超絶テクニックと即興を駆使して演奏する。中でもクラリネット奏者のヒュスヌ・シェンレンディリチはテレビの音楽番組の司会を務める人気者だけに、会場には早くから観客が集まっていた。どの曲も超高速の即興演奏をたっぷりと入れ込み、胸を鷲掴みにされるような興奮をもたらしてくれた。
Dhafer Youssef スーフィー・ジャズ
一方、ダフェール・ユーセフはフランス在住のチュニジア人で、独自の世界観を持つスーフィー・ジャズ・ヴォーカリスト。今回はアゼルバイジャン人の若手ピアニスト、Isfar Sarabski(イスファル・サラブスキー)をフィーチャーし、ピアノを通じてアラブ音楽とヨーロッパのジャズが見事に一つに融合していた。
こうして3日間にわたる「Cappadox 2016」は終了した。繰り返し書いたとおり、今回は僕はあきらかに準備不足だった。しかし、僕は気に入ったフェスは2度、3度と訪れることにしている。一回だけで全てを知ることは出来ない。今回はカッパドキアというトルコ人にとって一種の聖地を舞台に、選りすぐられたアーティストだけが出演するマジカルなフェスがあることを知っただけでも十分だろう。
Mercan Dede 後日談
Balloons in the Dawn & Music!
Cappadox Returns!
The comprehensive art festival "Cappadox," set against the backdrop of Cappadocia's UNESCO World Heritage lunar landscape, is making its return in late May 2024!
"Cappadox" is a festival that embodies modern Turkey, held in the open air of Cappadocia during early summer. It features lives by spiritual music artists from both Turkey and abroad, modern art exhibitions, fine dining using firewood, workshops on local wines, nature walks, yoga, and meditation workshops. After being held consecutively from 2015 to 2018 and acclaimed as a "miraculous festival" by participants from both domestic and international sources, it was temporarily concluded. Now, it's set for a grand comeback in 2024!
To celebrate the revival, I, who covered "Cappadox" consecutively from 2016 for three years, am creating a "note" magazine based on the manuscripts I wrote back then!
The fifth article of the series covers my first visit to "Cappadox" in 2016, in the third report titled "Balloons in the Dawn."
Let's toast in Cappadocia in late May, dear readers!
Balloon Trip in the Dawn
On May 19, 2016, the second day of "Cappadox," I woke up at 4 AM. Having returned to my accommodation around 1:30 AM after a live performance in Göreme National Park the night before, I had only slept for just over two hours. Yet, I forced myself to get up at 4 AM to join the dawn hot air balloon trip, a popular tour that offers a bird's-eye view of Cappadocia's landscape, formed over millions of years.
I had signed up for this tour during my visit to Cappadocia in September of the previous year. However, due to unstable weather conditions at dawn and strong winds that could interfere with the operation of the balloons, the tour was canceled two days in a row. So, this was to be my third attempt.
At 4:10 AM, while it was still pitch dark, I boarded the wagon car that had arrived at the gate of the accommodation. After picking up the rest of the participants from nearby hotels, we headed to the office of the travel agency on the outskirts of Göreme. In the restaurant next to the office, about 100 other tour participants had already gathered, enjoying the provided chai and biscuits.
At 5 AM, as the sky gradually began to lighten, we were once again loaded into the wagon cars and taken to the launch site about 10 minutes away from Göreme. Amid the gray landscape dotted with bizarre rock formations, colorful balloon envelopes began to peek out, hinting at a successful flight today!
At the "launch site," or rather, a field, five hot air balloons were being set up. The balloons were laid on their sides, and giant fans were used to fill the envelopes with air. Once sufficiently inflated, the baskets were righted. Then, the burners were ignited, filling the envelopes with hot air and causing them to rise into the sky. The basket, about 3.5 meters wide and 2 meters long, was divided into four sections around the central burner and pilot's area, with each section accommodating five people. Including the pilot, the capacity was 21 people.
Once all passengers were in their designated spots in the basket, the pilot "whooshed" the burner, and the ropes tying the balloon to the ground were released, allowing the heavily loaded basket to silently "float" upwards. It didn't take more than two minutes for us to ascend high enough to have a view of Göreme's chimney-shaped rock formations and Uchisar Castle, where our accommodation was located.
100 balloons & 2,000 people on the Air
With about 100 balloons and roughly 2,000 people all floating in the air at that moment, sharing this landscape, the sensation was nothing short of awe-inspiring. And while one might assume that floating at such a height in a seemingly fragile basket would be terrifying, the shared excitement and "wow!" exclamations from fellow passengers made it feel anything but scary. Despite the recent decline in foreign tourists due to frequent terror attacks, leaving me and a Japanese couple as the only non-Turks among the 20 passengers, the experience remained unforgettable.
The hot air balloon trip, costing around 150€, might seem pricey, but it's undoubtedly worth every penny, and I would probably do it again. After returning to my accommodation around 6 AM, I managed to catch a bit more sleep.
An Oversight!
"Cappadox" wasn't just about music and art; it also offered four different workshops on local cuisine. Unfortunately, by the time I realized, all were fully booked. However, I was lucky enough to sneak into a workshop on local wines held the next morning. A wine researcher and a culinary researcher from Istanbul introduced seven types of local wines and paired them with suitable cheeses and cured meats, offering a thorough explanation. Though, since the presentation was in Turkish, I missed some crucial details.
On the third day of the festival, May 20, after relieving my fatigue in the hotel's hammam and leisurely enjoying breakfast with friends until after 10 AM, I stumbled upon a "Cappadox" program booklet. Despite my busy schedule right up until departure, which left me barely glancing through the festival's program and artists on the smartphone app, this was my first time actually seeing the printed program. Casually flipping through it, I was shocked to discover that the sunrise concert that morning at 6 AM in Rose Valley featured none other than Mercan Dede, the very reason I decided to cover "Cappadox."
I had made the trip here, motivated by a YouTube video of Dede performing ambient music in Rose Valley at dawn, surrounded by 100 ascending hot air balloons. The ambiance and music had captivated me, and missing his performance was a hard blow, reminding me of the importance of thoroughly checking the program in advance. Nonetheless, performances by Taksim Trio and Dhafer Youssef that evening partially made up for my oversight.
Such a blunder was redeemed by the evening's performance of Taksim Trio at the Uchisar Farm, followed by Dhafer Youssef's concert at the Uchisar Fortress at night.
Taksim Trio, the Virtuoso Roma Trio
Taksim Trio is an instrumental trio formed by three young elite Roma musicians who have long been the backbone of Turkish popular music. The group consists of clarinetist Husnu Senlendirici, electric saz player Ismail Tuncbilek, and kanun player Aytaç Dogan. They perform both timeless Turkish pop hits and original compositions, utilizing the Roma's extraordinary technique and improvisation. Among them, clarinetist Husnu Senlendirici, who is also a popular television music program host, attracts audiences early on due to his fame. Each song is infused with rapid improvisations, delivering an excitement that captures the audience's heart.
Dhafer Youssef, Sufi Jazz
On the other hand, Dhafer Youssef, a Tunisian living in France, is a Sufi jazz vocalist with a unique worldview. This time, featuring a young Azerbaijani pianist Isfar Sarabski, the concert beautifully fused Arab music and European jazz through the piano.
Thus ended "Cappadox 2016" over three days. As mentioned repeatedly, I was clearly underprepared this time. However, I make it a point to visit festivals I like two or three times, as it's impossible to grasp everything in a single visit. Even just discovering that there is a magical festival in Cappadocia, a sacred land for Turks, featuring only selected artists, was worth the journey.
After the Event: Mercan Dede
Later, I met Mercan Dede again in an office building located in the prime area of Istanbul's new town. Since conducting my first interview with him in 2005, I had met him several times in Istanbul, Tokyo, and Rotterdam. Recently, he had moved his base from Istanbul to Montreal, making this reunion after seven years quite special.
"It's unfortunate you couldn't attend the performance, but you should come again next year. As you know, 'Cappadox' is a festival centered around artists connected to the late Mehmet Ulug. I've decided to perform at the sunrise concert on the third day next year as well."
Indeed, in the following years of 'Cappadox,' Dede appeared at the sunrise concerts, and I had the privilege to thoroughly enjoy his Sufi electronica music at dawn.
(The 2016 report concludes here. Three additional reports for 2017 are planned to follow.)