Cappadox RTN 3:カッパドキア・ウチヒサルへ
English follows Japanese
Cappadox Returns!
当時、僕のfacebookのタイムラインにはイスタンブルの音楽やアート関係の友人たちによる「Cappadox」という言葉が目立ち始め、その後、予告写真や予告映像の投稿が続いた。そして、フェスの3日間はカッパドキアで最も標高が高いウチヒサル砦に設営された巨大な野外ステージで、ターキッシュジャズのサックス奏者Ilhan Ercahin(イルハン・エルシャヒン)が演奏している写真や、100機の熱気球が空に浮かぶ明け方のローズ・ヴァレー(光の反射により土がバラ色に輝く奇岩の谷)でスーフィー(イスラーム神秘主義)音楽家のMercan Dede(メルジャン・デデ)が演奏している動画などが次々と投稿された。
Kale Konak Hotel
主催者に用意してもらった宿「Kale Konak Hotel(カーレ・コナック・ホテル)」はカッパドキア観光ツアーでも必ず数分は立ち寄る観光名所ウチヒサル砦の裏側の坂の上にあった。外から見るとカッパドキアの大地と同じサンドカラーの無骨な建物だが、門をくぐり、中に入ると、高い中庭には芝が育ち、そこから眼下にカッパドキアが一望出来る。そして典型的なカッパドキアの宿らしく、全ての部屋が石をくりぬいて、大地を削って作られている。僕は母屋から一本道路を挟んだ離れの部屋をあてがわれたが、母屋とは表の道を渡るだけでなく、地下二階、三階へとアリの巣のように張り巡らされた細い地下道を通り抜けて行き来出来る。通路は途中でいくつもの脇道や出入り口があり、慣れないうちは何度も迷い、思っていたのと違う場所に出てしまった。まるで忍者屋敷だ。ウチヒサル砦の斜面沿いに張り付いたホテルの多くはこうした地下宮殿的な造りを売りにしているようだ。
母屋の地下にはなんと、トルコ式の蒸し風呂「ハマム」まで設営されていた。ハマムは20畳ほどのスペースで、奥は八角形の部屋となり、四方に熱い湯が出るシャワーと蛇口、洗面台が設置され、真ん中には大人が四人並んで横になれるほどの正方形の大理石の台。台の真上はドーム型の屋根になっている。建物内の窯で大量の水を熱し、沸かしたお湯を床下などに循環させて、部屋全体を温めている。サウナほど熱くはなく、韓国のチムジルバンに近い。温められた大理石の台に横になっていると、30分でも1時間でも寝て過ごせる。大理石のドーム型の造りのため、音響もすばらしい。お湯をザバ~っと流すと、それが部屋全体にエコーする。僕はこうしたトルコのハマムが大好きなのだが、イスタンブルで入浴すると、垢すり師がうるさく営業してきたり、常時他の人たちが出入りしているので、なかなかゆっくり楽しめずにいたのだ。だが、このハマムは宿泊客のみのプライベート仕様で、しかも24時間オープンしている! これは嬉しい! しばらくは時差ボケでぐっすり長時間は眠れない。どうせ夜明け前に目が冷めてしまうだろうから、早朝からハマムで過ごすのもナイスじゃないか!
村の売店でドネルケバブのサンドイッチを買い、元来た道を宿まで戻ると、芝生の中庭のテーブルに、イスタンブルの友人夫婦ハッカンとアイリン、そしてミュージシャンと思しき4人の欧米人男性が陣取っていた! ハッカンとアイリンは音楽とアートのフリーマガジンBantを運営し、さらにハッカンはギタリスト、アイリンはカメラマンとしても活躍している。
Visit Uchisar 2016
Cappadox Returns!
Cappadox, the comprehensive art festival set against the backdrop of Cappadocia's unique rock landscapes, a pride of Turkey and a UNESCO World Heritage site, is coming back in late May 2024!
Cappadox is a festival unique to modern Turkey, cramming in four days of live performances by spiritual music artists from both Turkey and abroad, modern art exhibitions, fine dining using firewood, local wine workshops, nature walks, yoga, and meditation workshops in the outdoor settings of Cappadocia in early summer. Held consecutively from 2015 to 2018, it was once concluded despite being praised as a "miraculous festival" by participants from both home and abroad. Now, it's set for a grand return in 2024!
To celebrate the relaunch, I, who covered "Cappadox" for three consecutive years from 2016, am planning to create a "note" magazine based on my original manuscripts from those times!
The third article is my first report from visiting "Cappadox" in 2016 titled "Visit Uchisar 2016."
Dear readers, let's toast in Cappadocia in late May!
How do I know Cappadox
I went to Turkey for the eighth month from May 17 to 26, 2016. The primary purpose was to cover the comprehensive festival "Cappadox" held in Cappadocia, a world heritage site and tourist attraction in Turkey, from May 19 to 21. "Cappadox" had its first edition in May the previous year, making this the second edition of a newly started festival. I first learned about this festival in early spring last year through posts on Facebook by friends in Istanbul. At that time, the word "Cappadox" began to stand out on my Facebook timeline, posted by friends involved in music and art in Istanbul, followed by posts of preview photos and videos. During the festival's three days, photos of Turkish jazz saxophonist Ilhan Ercahin performing on a huge outdoor stage set up at Uchisar Fort, Cappadocia's highest elevation, and videos of Sufi musician Mercan Dede performing in the Rose Valley, where the soil shines rose-colored due to the reflection of light, at dawn with 100 hot air balloons floating in the sky, were posted one after another. Watching these through my Mac at home, I immediately decided, "I'm definitely going to this festival next year!" As soon as the schedule for the second "Cappadox" was announced, I booked a flight to Turkey without even checking the artists, contacted a friend at the organizing company "Pozitif," and applied for press accreditation.
Heading to Uchisar
On May 17, I boarded a Turkish Airlines flight to Istanbul from Narita Airport at midnight, and after an 11-hour flight, arrived in Istanbul at dawn at 5 am. Then, I took a domestic flight at 10 am to Kayseri Airport, the nearest major city to Cappadocia. From Kayseri Airport, I was put on a minibus with Cappadox staff members who were on the same plane, and after a one-and-a-half-hour drive, headed to the village of Uchisar in Cappadocia, the venue for the event.
It was my fourth visit to Cappadocia. The first time was in 1990, and the second time in 1996, both in the dead of winter, so the highland was covered in white snow, and the strange rocks were capped with snow, leaving an impression of a white expanse. The third time was in September 2015, just after summer, with the land like a dry desert, and the rose-colored and light gray strange rocks standing out sharply. And now, this time in May, the spring. The sky was alternating between clear and cloudy, the ground was brown and wet, and plants were densely growing even on top of the strange rocks. The air smelled of rain and the greenery of high altitudes. Even during the day, it wasn't too hot – it might be the best season!
Beautiful Kale Konak Hotel
The accommodation arranged by the organizer, "Kale Konak Hotel," was located up the hill on the back side of Uchisar Fort, a tourist spot that is a must-visit for a few minutes on any Cappadocia tour. From the outside, the building looked like a rugged, sand-colored structure similar to the Cappadocian land, but stepping through the gate, there was a tall courtyard with grass growing, overlooking Cappadocia below. True to a typical Cappadocian accommodation, all rooms were carved out of rock and carved into the earth. I was assigned a room in an annex across a road from the main building, but it wasn't just across the road on the surface; one could also move between them through a maze of narrow underground passages extending down to the second and third basements, like an ant's nest. The passages had numerous side paths and entrances, and it was easy to get lost at first, ending up in unexpected places – like a ninja mansion. Many hotels clinging to the slope of Uchisar Fort seem to sell this kind of underground palace construction.
Surprisingly, the basement of the main building even had a Turkish steam bath, "hammam," installed. The hammam was about 20 tatami mats in size, with the back part being an octagonal room, equipped with hot water showers and faucets, washbasins on all sides, and a square marble platform in the center large enough for four adults to lie side by side. The ceiling above the platform was domed. A large amount of water is heated in the furnace inside the building, and the boiled water is circulated under the floor and elsewhere to warm the entire room. It's not as hot as a sauna, more akin to a Korean jimjilbang. Lying on the warmed marble platform, one could sleep there for 30 minutes or even an hour. Due to the marble and dome construction, the acoustics are excellent. When water is poured, it echoes throughout the room. I love such Turkish hammams, but when bathing in Istanbul, the masseurs are annoyingly pushy, and it's hard to relax with people constantly coming and going. However, this hammam is a private facility for hotel guests only and is open 24 hours! This is delightful! Jet lag won't allow me to sleep deeply for a while anyway. Since I'll probably wake up before dawn, spending the early morning in the hammam seems nice!
After dropping off my luggage at the hotel around noon, my friends from Istanbul hadn't arrived yet. I unpacked my bags in the room, changed into light clothes, and set out to explore Uchisar.
Uchisar is a peculiar landscape with countless small rooms carved into the slopes of a massive rock mountain, like a pigeon's nest, unforgettable once seen. It's said to be one of the "25 Castles You Must Visit Before You Die." A parking lot for large tourist buses was right in front of the accommodation, and along the road descending from the rock mountain, about a dozen worn-out souvenir shops lined up. About five minutes down the road, reaching the village center, the square was adorned with "Cappadox" banners, and preparations for stalls for the festival starting the next day were underway. However, the scarcity of tourists was concerning. Cappadocia is Turkey's largest tourist destination after Istanbul, but the tourism industry had suffered greatly due to frequent bomb attacks in Istanbul and Ankara the previous year.
Reunion with Friends
I bought a doner kebab sandwich at a village store and returned to the accommodation along the same path. At a table in the grassy courtyard, I found my friends from Istanbul, the couple Hakan and Aylin, and four Western men who appeared to be musicians, already settled in! Hakan and Aylin run the free music and art magazine Bant, and Hakan is also a guitarist while Aylin is a photographer.
"Merhaba, Hakan, Aylin!"
"Merhaba, I just got to the hotel. They are members of the Canadian band, Esmerine. I'll be joining them as a guest guitarist for their performance."
"Bonjour! Nice to meet you."
"What have you been up to?"
"I've been walking around, but I couldn't find any place that looks good to eat."
"Well, Uchisar is countryside, you know. But, this hotel is rumored to have delicious breakfasts."
"That's something to look forward to starting tomorrow. By the way, what's happening today?"
"Today is just the eve of the festival, so it's good to relax here until tonight."
As we were having this light-hearted conversation, suddenly, a bright rainbow appeared through the break in the cloudy sky. This seems like a good omen!
To be Continued