
Appendix wbinfoコマンド


Samba3 wbinfo 日本語訳

[root@rocky9-samba31 ~]#
[root@rocky9-samba31 ~]# wbinfo --version
Version 3.6.25
[root@rocky9-samba31 ~]#
[root@rocky9-samba31 ~]# wbinfo
Usage: wbinfo [OPTION...]
  -u, --domain-users                   Lists all domain users
  -g, --domain-groups                  Lists all domain groups
  -N, --WINS-by-name=NETBIOS-NAME      Converts NetBIOS name to IP
  -I, --WINS-by-ip=IP                  Converts IP address to NetBIOS name
  -n, --name-to-sid=NAME               Converts name to sid
  -s, --sid-to-name=SID                Converts sid to name
  --sid-to-fullname=SID                Converts sid to fullname
  -R, --lookup-rids=RIDs               Converts RIDs to names
  --lookup-sids=Sid-List               Converts SIDs to types and names
  -U, --uid-to-sid=UID                 Converts uid to sid
  -G, --gid-to-sid=GID                 Converts gid to sid
  -S, --sid-to-uid=SID                 Converts sid to uid
  -Y, --sid-to-gid=SID                 Converts sid to gid
  --allocate-uid                       Get a new UID out of idmap
  --allocate-gid                       Get a new GID out of idmap
  --set-uid-mapping=UID,SID            Create or modify uid to sid mapping in
  --set-gid-mapping=GID,SID            Create or modify gid to sid mapping in
  --remove-uid-mapping=UID,SID         Remove uid to sid mapping in idmap
  --remove-gid-mapping=GID,SID         Remove gid to sid mapping in idmap
  --sids-to-unix-ids=Sid-List          Translate SIDs to Unix IDs
  -t, --check-secret                   Check shared secret
  -c, --change-secret                  Change shared secret
  -P, --ping-dc                        Check the NETLOGON connection
  -m, --trusted-domains                List trusted domains
  --all-domains                        List all domains (trusted and own
  --own-domain                         List own domain
  --sequence                           Deprecated command, see --online-status
  --online-status                      Show whether domains are marked as
                                       online or offline
  -D, --domain-info=STRING             Show most of the info we have about the
  -i, --user-info=USER                 Get user info
  --uid-info=UID                       Get user info from uid
  --group-info=GROUP                   Get group info
  --user-sidinfo=SID                   Get user info from sid
  --gid-info=GID                       Get group info from gid
  -r, --user-groups=USER               Get user groups
  --user-domgroups=SID                 Get user domain groups
  --sid-aliases=SID                    Get sid aliases
  --user-sids=SID                      Get user group sids for user SID
  -a, --authenticate=user%password     authenticate user
  --pam-logon=user%password            do a pam logon equivalent
  --logoff                             log off user
  --logoff-user=STRING                 username to log off
  --logoff-uid=INT                     uid to log off
  --set-auth-user=user%password        Store user and password used by
                                       winbindd (root only)
  --ccache-save=user%password          Store user and password for ccache
  --getdcname=domainname               Get a DC name for a foreign domain
  --dsgetdcname=domainname             Find a DC for a domain
  --dc-info=domainname                 Find the currently known DCs
  --get-auth-user                      Retrieve user and password used by
                                       winbindd (root only)
  -p, --ping                           Ping winbindd to see if it is alive
  --domain=domain                      Define to the domain to restrict
  -K, --krb5auth=user%password         authenticate user using Kerberos
  --separator                          Get the active winbind separator
  --verbose                            Print additional information per command
  --change-user-password=STRING        Change the password for a user
  --ntlmv2                             Use NTLMv2 cryptography for user
  --lanman                             Use lanman cryptography for user

Help options:
  -?, --help                           Show this help message
  --usage                              Display brief usage message

Common samba options:
  -V, --version                        Print version
[root@rocky9-samba31 ~]#
[root@rocky9-samba31 ~]# which --help
Usage: /usr/bin/which [options] [--] COMMAND [...]
Write the full path of COMMAND(s) to standard output.

  --version, -[vV] Print version and exit successfully.
  --help,          Print this help and exit successfully.
  --skip-dot       Skip directories in PATH that start with a dot.
  --skip-tilde     Skip directories in PATH that start with a tilde.
  --show-dot       Don't expand a dot to current directory in output.
  --show-tilde     Output a tilde for HOME directory for non-root.
  --tty-only       Stop processing options on the right if not on tty.
  --all, -a        Print all matches in PATH, not just the first
  --read-alias, -i Read list of aliases from stdin.
  --skip-alias     Ignore option --read-alias; don't read stdin.
  --read-functions Read shell functions from stdin.
  --skip-functions Ignore option --read-functions; don't read stdin.

Recommended use is to write the output of (alias; declare -f) to standard
input, so that which can show aliases and shell functions. See which(1) for

If the options --read-alias and/or --read-functions are specified then the
output can be a full alias or function definition, optionally followed by
the full path of each command used inside of those.

Report bugs to <which-bugs@gnu.org>.
[root@rocky9-samba31 ~]#


Samba4 samba-tool 日本語訳

[root@rocky9-samba41 ~]#
[root@rocky9-samba41 ~]# dnf install -y samba-winbind samba-winbind-clients
[root@rocky9-samba41 ~]#
[root@rocky9-samba41 ~]# wbinfo --version
Version 4.17.5
[root@rocky9-samba41 ~]#
[root@rocky9-samba41 ~]# wbinfo --help
使い方: wbinfo [オプション...]
  -u, --domain-users                                 Lists all domain users
  -g, --domain-groups                                Lists all domain groups
  -N, --WINS-by-name=NETBIOS-NAME                    Converts NetBIOS name to
  -I, --WINS-by-ip=IP                                Converts IP address to
                                                     NetBIOS name
  -n, --name-to-sid=NAME                             Converts name to sid
  -s, --sid-to-name=SID                              Converts sid to name
      --sid-to-fullname=SID                          Converts sid to fullname
  -R, --lookup-rids=RIDs                             Converts RIDs to names
      --lookup-sids=Sid-List                         Converts SIDs to types
                                                     and names
  -U, --uid-to-sid=UID                               Converts uid to sid
  -G, --gid-to-sid=GID                               Converts gid to sid
  -S, --sid-to-uid=SID                               Converts sid to uid
  -Y, --sid-to-gid=SID                               Converts sid to gid
      --allocate-uid                                 Get a new UID out of idmap
      --allocate-gid                                 Get a new GID out of idmap
      --set-uid-mapping=UID,SID                      Create or modify uid to
                                                     sid mapping in idmap
      --set-gid-mapping=GID,SID                      Create or modify gid to
                                                     sid mapping in idmap
      --remove-uid-mapping=UID,SID                   Remove uid to sid mapping
                                                     in idmap
      --remove-gid-mapping=GID,SID                   Remove gid to sid mapping
                                                     in idmap
      --sids-to-unix-ids=Sid-List                    Translate SIDs to Unix IDs
      --unix-ids-to-sids=ID-List (u<num> g<num>)     Translate Unix IDs to SIDs
  -t, --check-secret                                 Check shared secret
  -c, --change-secret                                Change shared secret
  -P, --ping-dc                                      Check the NETLOGON
  -m, --trusted-domains                              List trusted domains
      --all-domains                                  List all domains (trusted
                                                     and own domain)
      --own-domain                                   List own domain
      --sequence                                     Deprecated command, see
      --online-status                                Show whether domains
                                                     maintain an active
  -D, --domain-info=文字列                        Show most of the info we
                                                     have about the domain
  -i, --user-info=USER                               Get user info
      --uid-info=UID                                 Get user info from uid
      --group-info=GROUP                             Get group info
      --user-sidinfo=SID                             Get user info from sid
      --gid-info=GID                                 Get group info from gid
  -r, --user-groups=USER                             Get user groups
      --user-domgroups=SID                           Get user domain groups
      --sid-aliases=SID                              Get sid aliases
      --user-sids=SID                                Get user group sids for
                                                     user SID
  -a, --authenticate=user%password                   authenticate user
      --pam-logon=user%password                      do a pam logon equivalent
      --logoff                                       log off user
      --logoff-user=文字列                        username to log off
      --logoff-uid=INT                               uid to log off
      --set-auth-user=user%password                  Store user and password
                                                     used by winbindd (root
      --ccache-save=user%password                    Store user and password
                                                     for ccache operation
      --getdcname=domainname                         Get a DC name for a
                                                     foreign domain
      --dsgetdcname=domainname                       Find a DC for a domain
      --dc-info=domainname                           Find the currently known
      --get-auth-user                                Retrieve user and
                                                     password used by winbindd
                                                     (root only)
  -p, --ping                                         Ping winbindd to see if
                                                     it is alive
      --domain=domain                                Define to the domain to
                                                     restrict operation
  -K, --krb5auth=user%password                       authenticate user using
      --krb5ccname=krb5ccname                        authenticate user using
                                                     Kerberos and specific
                                                     credential cache type
      --separator                                    Get the active winbind
      --verbose                                      Print additional
                                                     information per command
      --change-user-password=文字列               Change the password for a
      --ntlmv1                                       Use NTLMv1 cryptography
                                                     for user authentication
      --ntlmv2                                       Use NTLMv2 cryptography
                                                     for user authentication
      --lanman                                       Use lanman cryptography
                                                     for user authentication

  -?, --help                                         このヘルプメッセージを表示 します
      --usage                                        使い方の概要を表示します

Version options:
  -V, --version                                      Print version
[root@rocky9-samba41 ~]#
