バークシャー・ハザウェイ年次総会2021:ハイライトとストーリーライン (5)  アップルについて

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2021: Highlights and storylines (5)

3:03 p.m. ET: Selling some Apple stock last year was 'probably a mistake'

Buffett conceded that selling some of Apple's stock in 2020 was "probably a mistake," with shares rising even further this year following the tech-led 2020 in the markets.

"The brand and the product — it's an incredible product," Buffett said of Apple. "It is indispensable to people."

"I sold some stock last year, although our shareholders still saw their shares go up because we repurchased shares," he added. "But that was probably a mistake."

Berkshire owned 907,559,761 shares of Apple as of the end of December for a total market value of $120.4 billion. By contrast, the firm spent just $31 billion accumulating this stake since late 2016.

3:03 p.m. (米国東部時間):アップル株の一部を 昨年売却したのは『おそらく間違いだった』





concede  (他動) (敗北を)認める、真実と認める、(自動)敗北を認める
indispensable  (形) 必須の、絶対必要な、不可欠な (同)essential、(反)dispensable
indispensable to  (be)~に不可欠(必須・絶対必要)である、なくてはならない
repurchase  (他動) 買い戻す、再購入する   riːpə́ːtʃeis
by contrast それに対して、(~である)一方
accumulate (他動) 積み重ねる、蓄積する (自動) 積もる、たまる
stake (名) (企業への)出資金、(競争の)商品、(賭け事の)掛け金
