
1st December -Tuesday-

Happy December! Ho Ho Ho ! Yes, the Christmas is coming soon!

Well, my family don't celebrate Christmas so there's no special memory but I like choosing a Christmas cake with my mum :) When was the last time I got a Christmas present from Santa Clause? Maybe when I was 10 years old... I miss being kid during this holiday season :(

We woke up at 9.30am and watched Peaky Blinders while having coffee and biscuits. The weather was so nice from the morning. I did laundry, dishes and vacuum and he was just sitting and playing games all morning... Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just stating here what happened today :)

After I finished house chores, it was already 12pm and our fridge was absolutely empty so we went to a supermarket. We normally use a basket when we do our grocery shopping but this time we made a mistake. We took a trolley and ended up buying so many things :( Next time, we will pick up a basket for sure.

We came home and he cooked pizza for our lunch :)

We finished lunch and played games together. I’m not good at playing games at all but since I came here, I started playing some games on PS4.

I don’t why the time flied so fast but when we realised, it was already 7pm. It was very cold outside but we’ve decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. We walked for an hour and had dinner after we came home :)

Hope you had a happy day! See you tomorrow!

With love,
