
google検索をコマンドラインから実行する方法というとgoogleが公式で出しているSearch APIを使うのが正攻法だと思うけど、API Keyとか用意しないといけなくてクイックにやりたい時には面倒。




% brew install googler
% brew install jq



% googler --json -n1  'アルプス'                  
   "abstract": "スーパーアルプスは、八王子市、日野市、あきる野市、羽村市、町田市、神奈川県、埼玉県で展開するスーパーマーケットです。",
   "title": "スーパーアルプス",
   "url": "http://superalps.info/"


% googler --json -n1  'アルプス' | jq -r '.[].url'


% googler -h
usage: googler [-h] [-s N] [-n N] [-N] [-V] [-c TLD] [-l LANG] [-x]
              [--colorize [{auto,always,never}]] [-C] [--colors COLORS] [-j]
              [-t dN] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [-w SITE] [--unfilter]
              [-p PROXY] [--noua] [--notweak] [--json] [--url-handler UTIL]
              [--show-browser-logs] [--np] [-v] [-d]
              [KEYWORD [KEYWORD ...]]

Google from the command-line.

positional arguments:
 KEYWORD               search keywords

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -s N, --start N       start at the Nth result
 -n N, --count N       show N results (default 10)
 -N, --news            show results from news section
 -V, --videos          show results from videos section
 -c TLD, --tld TLD     country-specific search with top-level domain .TLD,
                       e.g., 'in' for India
 -l LANG, --lang LANG  display in language LANG
 -x, --exact           disable automatic spelling correction
 --colorize [{auto,always,never}]
                       whether to colorize output; defaults to 'auto', which
                       enables color when stdout is a tty device; using
                       --colorize without an argument is equivalent to
 -C, --nocolor         equivalent to --colorize=never
 --colors COLORS       set output colors (see man page for details)
 -j, --first, --lucky  open the first result in web browser and exit
 -t dN, --time dN      time limit search [h5 (5 hrs), d5 (5 days), w5 (5
                       weeks), m5 (5 months), y5 (5 years)]
 --from FROM           starting date/month/year of date range; must use
                       American date format with slashes, e.g., 2/24/2020,
                       2/2020, 2020; can be used in conjuction with --to,
                       and overrides -t, --time
 --to TO               ending date/month/year of date range; see --from
 -w SITE, --site SITE  search a site using Google
 --unfilter            do not omit similar results
 -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                       tunnel traffic through an HTTP proxy; PROXY is of the
                       form [http://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]
 --noua                legacy option (no effect)
 --notweak             disable TCP optimizations and forced TLS 1.2
 --json                output in JSON format; implies --noprompt
 --url-handler UTIL    custom script or cli utility to open results
 --show-browser-logs   do not suppress browser output (stdout and stderr)
 --np, --noprompt      search and exit, do not prompt
 -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
 -d, --debug           enable debugging

omniprompt keys:
 n, p                  fetch the next or previous set of search results
 index                 open the result corresponding to index in browser
 f                     jump to the first page
 o [index|range|a ...] open space-separated result indices, numeric ranges
                       (sitelinks unsupported in ranges), or all, in browser
                       open the current search in browser, if no arguments
 O [index|range|a ...] like key 'o', but try to open in a GUI browser
 g keywords            new Google search for 'keywords' with original options
                       should be used to search omniprompt keys and indices
 c index               copy url to clipboard
 u                     toggle url expansion
 q, ^D, double Enter   exit googler
 ?                     show omniprompt help
 *                     other inputs issue a new search with original options

Version 4.1
Copyright © 2008 Henri Hakkinen
Copyright © 2015-2020 Arun Prakash Jana <engineerarun@gmail.com>
Zhiming Wang <zmwangx@gmail.com>
License: GPLv3
Webpage: https://github.com/jarun/googler

