
21 Mar 2019 一日一幸貯金箱

*—— 21st Mar 2019 ——*

 Really feeling sad to say goodbye.
But I am sure that I will feel much happier when I see her again somewhere.

One of my lovely friends, Ivy, is going to leave Japan.

I met her last year at a Hamani party.
She came to Japan to teach English to students.. amazing.
Especially I loved following how she found Japanese things and how she enjoyed foods!! Today we had the last dinner (probably) IN JAPAN.
We had fun, talking, eating, talking, eating...
Also I was so amazed that she could understand Japanese language.
How clever.

She is travelling around the world before going back home.

Ivy, I will see ya somewhere for sure❤️
Thanks to Jerome, Im happy to have met you in my life🙈🌸 Take very care Ivy!

最後にディナーを食べに行きました😇⭐️ あんこう鍋美味かった、そして彼女の日本の楽しみ具合に、だいぶ心が癒された。



#一日一幸 #一日一幸貯金箱 #agooddeedaday #onedayonehappiness #friend #love #farewell #ivy #seeyou #21march2019 #210319
