
"The tragic end that awaits those who only think about themselves"

Hello everyone.
This is Sai & Co. from Sai & Co. WAKU Challenge Lab.
Today, I'm going to talk about "the tragic fate that awaits those who only think about themselves."
But before that, I have a request.
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Now, let's get to the main topic.
Now, everyone.
Do you know anyone around you?
People like this.
That is, people who only think about themselves when they act and speak.
To put it simply, everyone will dislike this, so be careful.
Well, I jumped to the conclusion at the beginning, but it's really true.
First of all, if you only think about yourself, you're out.
This is what they call selfishness, but it's a different story when your selfishness ends up benefiting others.
But selfishness that is clearly for your own sake, for your own sake alone, for your own self-preservation, is just "evil."
In a previous blog, I said, "Make yourself happy. If you do that, you will live a happy life." This is a little similar to what I said here.
Because making yourself happy also means doing what you like, choosing what you like, choosing what makes you comfortable and practicing it. You might think, "Huh? Isn't that selfish?"
That's why some people are easily misled.
But there is nothing more despicable than trading other people's unhappiness for your own happiness.
In other words, sacrificing others for your own happiness.
No matter how you feel, if you look around you and see that more and more people are unhappy, you won't be very happy, right?
Just imagine it.
You feel happy.
Because your heart is happy, your smiles increase.
You're feeling happy all by yourself.
But the number of unhappy people around you is increasing in inverse proportion to that.
You look gloomy, as if to say, "I'm unhappy."
Can you stay happy in that kind of environment forever?
I'm sure most people can't.
You'd want to run away. You'd regret what you've done.
That's because humans are empathetic creatures.
So, even if it feels comfortable at first, our empathy makes it so that in the end it becomes an uncomfortable place.
This is the result of continuing to pursue only your own happiness.
So, when trying to make yourself happy, you need to be careful not to make others unhappy, to not trap or deceive others, or to try to achieve your own joy in a slightly twisted way.
But people can be shallow, and tend to jump at immediate joy.
Rather than the great benefits they may gain in the future.
So, to everyone who has read this blog, I recommend that you start looking back at your own words and actions now to avoid this, and if you notice any, make small corrections.
By the way, there is a reason to make small corrections. If you make small corrections little by little, your brain won't notice the corrections and you will be able to rewrite your subconscious without even realizing it.
If you make a sudden change, your brain will be shocked and will work to return you to your original, comfortable self, so when you are trying to correct your shortcomings, I think it would be a good idea to be conscious of this "small change method".

So, what did you think?
Today's story.
Every day, I write about ways to build good relationships with others, using psychology, neuroscience, personality analysis, and other topics to make them easy to understand and digest.
So, if you were interested in today's blog, please check out my other blogs as well.
You can read them all in about 5 minutes.
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We will also post stories that we couldn't fit in the story there, so please register.

Finally, if you enjoyed today's story, please share it with your friends.
See you again✌️
