
People who do not organize themselves can save energy in the number of decisions they make.

Hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

Today, I would like to talk about "Those who do not keep things in order can save energy in the number of decisions they make".

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Now let's get down to business.

Well everyone.

Do you know how many decisions you make in a day?

I think it's a familiar number for those who are thinking about drawing out their abilities to the fullest and working efficiently.

The number is 35000 times.

However, whether this number is large or small varies from person to person, but we all make decisions 35,000 times a day.

To say that it is said that only the same number is selected.

I can understand that if you use your head like this, your head will become dizzy in the evening.

Of course, the numbers are 35,000, including all the events that occur between waking up in the morning and going to bed at night. It is said that it is being done.

By the way, as today's theme is, people who can't organize themselves are actually able to save energy in the number of decisions they make.

That said, tidying up is absurd decision-making, isn't it?

"Do that over here", "Do this over here", "Next time do that, then do this..."

Hypothetically, if you take off your clothes as soon as you get home, or put your car or house keys where you like, or put your bags where you like, if you do this freely, the house will be a mess. But that's why I haven't made any decisions.

For example, the desks and rooms of academics who are enthusiastic about research are cluttered with books.

However, there are research results that conversely, a cluttered room reduces concentration, so it's not a matter of which one is better.

But at least if you have something to work on as soon as you get home, it's better to put things in order and prioritize what you have to do before you get brain fatigue. I think it matters.

That's why today I talked about "Those who are not organized can save energy in the number of decisions they make".

If you enjoyed today's story, please share it with your friends.

See you soon ✌️
