
How to control your colleagues well and maintain crisis awareness.

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.Sai&Co. of WAKU Chare Labo It is.

Well, today I will talk about "how to control your colleagues well" while brushing up my past blog.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If there is someone like that, please share it 😁

Then it's the main topic.

There is a hiyari hat reporting system in my workplace.

It is a system that raises scary things and surprising realizations in a report, informs colleagues, and let everyone be careful.

So, it's this Hiyarihat's reporting system, but the report of the same case may be raised over and over again.

Well, if there are more reports, it's evidence that people are noting that they are surprised or surprised, so it's good, but if you only see the same cases, even if it's true, even if it's dangerous, it will be natural. It often changes naturally to everyday life.

In other words, the sense of crisis will fade.

(Psychologically speaking, this phenomenon is called normality bias.

In other words, to put it simply, I thought that it wouldn't happen again today because there was no accident yesterday, so I let my guard down.

If the sense of crisis fades, it's a careless thing, so it makes sense.

By the way, this bias actually happens normally in various places.

For example, the bias that war will not happen.

It's been about 80 years, but I've never happened, so I'm sure it won't happen again.

Other than that, earthquakes.

People in the land where there is no big earthquake like the Great East Japan Earthquake will have the assumption that it will not happen.)

Naturally, if the sense of crisis fades, it will lead to an accident when you forget ...

There is such a thing.

It will be the same for everything, but the more times it happens, the more opportunities it will be noticeable, so it will be popularized, and once it is popularized, there will be no need to be known or alerted further, and you can save time and effort, but it is as it is. If you let it go, it will become too commonplace this time, and the sense of crisis itself will fade.

That means that it is more effective to call attention and disseminate it from the beginning, but to treat it as it is difficult to touch everyone's eyes, and occasionally call attention and disseminate it, and it does not take much time and effort on the management side.

In any case, we need someone who can grasp how the public (colleagues) is conscious and decide whether to make it known or not.

If all goes well, we will have a system that can easily avoid accidents greatly.

(Certainly, if there is someone who is in the role of controlling colleagues well, you can keep the sense of crisis in a good state and everyone can be careful continuously.

However, please be careful because this control method will be difficult if it goes too far.

Because if the warning goes too far, the antipathy from colleagues will increase this time, so if that happens, it will be difficult to control it.

So, if you do this control method, you will not be more anti-commotion, but you can be careful, and you will also need the skills to identify and maintain such a subtle line.

Regarding this skill to identify, it is a little too complicated to write on this blog, and it exceeds the limit of the number of characters, so it is difficult today, but if I give you a hint, it is "feel the flow of air".

For those who say, "I don't understand what you're talking about," please ask from my official LINE.

I will answer politely.

The URL of the official LINE is posted at the bottom of this blog, so please use it.

So how was it, today's story.

It sounds a little bad when it comes to how to control your colleagues, but if you don't use it wrong, you won't fight with anyone, and if you don't abuse it, you can use this skill for people wherever you go.

So if you are interested, please send me a message.

So today's story, "It was good!" If you say so, please share it with your friends.

See you later ✌️)
