If you don't determine whether it's your own task or someone else's task, the conflict will inevitably.
Hello, everyone.
Sai&Co.Sai&Co. of WAKU Chare Labo It is.
Well, today, I will talk about "If you don't determine whether it is your own task or someone else's task, there will be a conflict" while brushing up my past blog.
Today's story, if "It was good!" If there is someone like that, please share it 😁
Then it's the main topic.
Every time I get an assignment at my current workplace, I always say, "I was doing the training properly in the previous place", "I was doing the event properly", and "I was able to communicate properly", but if you look at the others, there are a lot of places where I can't do it. There must have been, and I think there are good things that I don't have where I was before.
In other words, there are thorns in how to say it from the beginning, and why do I say my current workplace worse than necessary? I feel strange.
(In the end, if you see a bad place in this phenomenon at the beginning, your eyes will go to the bad place all the time.
It's a phenomenon that occurs from the mechanism of the brain.
Well, speaking out is a manifestation of the feeling of trying to make that bad part better, but in general, there are very many patterns that end up saying so-called complaints that end just by pointing out that bad part.
I understand how you feel.
It's easy to say, but it takes a lot of power to try to improve the bad points.
But this is something you shouldn't do too much.
That's because if it ends with just complaining, complaining will spread, and in the end, it will be a bad atmosphere, or the place will be filled with negative air, and it will be difficult to be a positive atmosphere again, and it will be finished in such a place.
Then, if you can't complain, it's not like that, but it's better to think about the place to say it for yourself, and it's because of the space you belong to, such as the workplace.)
Moreover, some people suddenly take up only what they raised as an issue and talk vigorously, but in the end, when you ask until the end what you want to do, the final thing that comes is "Please do something." The word.
The ability to find a task, the attitude to insist on it, and the enthusiasm to talk are the best, but I wonder why I suddenly leave it to others at the end ...
(This is also possible.
I make the task that comes up in front of me into someone else's task without making it my own.
In a way, it's a good way to relieve stress, but do people other than yourself really see the issue as an issue?
There is a possibility that you are the only one who sees it as an issue.
Then, if you don't try to solve it yourself, if you don't change the way you attack, there will be no collaborators and you will have to struggle alone, so I think the mountain is steep.
So first of all, when an assignment comes out in front of you, don't shake it to people right away, but first try to work on the task yourself.
When it's difficult or frustrating to do it alone, we recruit collaborators.
Then, I recommend you to gradually increase your friends and challenge the task in front of you.)
Moreover, it's good to ask for consent, but if you hear that enthusiasm as it is, it's hard to have the courage to disagree.
(The peer pressure and individual personality are deeply involved here.
Especially for Japanese people, there are many people who have not learned to disssion, so it is possible that they avoid conflict and do not argue on purpose.
I used to be like that too.
Moreover, if people who don't know how to discuss do it, they will be swayed by emotions, and the discussion will become an exchange of emotional theory, or even after the discussion is over, they will drag their emotions, and it will be a rotten discussion. There is a great possibility that it will end, that is, it will be a discussion with a grudge.
It's better not to have such a discussion, so even if you have a discussion, I don't recommend it very much unless you know the rules properly.
Of course, there is also a technique in how you say it.
If you want to know how to do it, please register on my official LINE.
If you send me a message there, I will answer politely.)
I don't want it to be troublesome later because it's thought that if I'm against it's stroking the other person's feelings and the story becomes complicated, or "You don't understand my feelings", so try to listen to the story "funfun" unless you have to do it. There is.
(This is a counseling technique.
It's the so-called listening.
I listen to the story so as not to stroke the other person's emotions, but I don't even agree.
It is a method of confirming only the facts and listening to the story.
If you do that, the other party will get rid of excitement and return to normal.
Until then, I will repeat this method.)
But in the end, I wonder if I'm going to shake it this way, so to be honest, I don't feel motivated for people who do it that way.
(When it comes to negotiation techniques, various elements are required.
Even if you compete head-on, you will often be pushed back, so first of all, we will analyze the personality of the opponent.
Whether it's a person who can't say if asked, a person who will be happy if it's relied on, a person who is hardly interested in other people, an aggressive person, a protector, or a person who likes happy things and fun things, I can imagine various things by looking at that person. I think it will come.
By solidifying it, "virtual person" will be born in my head, but then this time, I will think of words that make that person feel comfortable and use it to negotiate.
With this, the negotiation will be much easier to go well, and knowing the other person's personality can be used in many other places, so I think there is no harm in knowing it.)
If anything, "I tried my best, but it was impossible. Please lend me your strength." The person who said, "Okay, let's lend a hand!" It will be.
It's quite strange that you don't think about doing something with your own hands first of the task you found.
"It's your job to do that." Or, "Because that's not my range." I often hear that, "It's not your job to do it in the end, but is there anything you can do from your point of view?" I also think so.
Is it a difference in seriousness?
I'm not sure.
See you later✌️
(So how was it? This story.
Isn't it happening even if it's unexpectedly close to you?
There are quite a lot of people who have experienced the same thing, aren't there?
That's why I blog about deepening the phenomena that occurred using psychology like this every day, explaining using brain science, and on the contrary, how to communicate well.
If you are interested, please visit my past blog as well.
The official LINE ID and QR code are also posted at the bottom of this blog, so please register from there and we are waiting for your questions.
So, finally, today's story, "It was good!" If you say so, please share it with your friends.
See you tomorrow✌️)