
In fact, welfare may be a tough system for people! ?

hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

Well, today, ′′ actually welfare may be a tough system for people! ? I will talk about.

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Now let's get down to business.

Well, everyone.

What are your impressions of welfare?

When you hear the word “welfare,” you may have the impression that it is something like “a friendly world,” or “a helping hand is needed,” or something like helping people with disabilities.

But in fact, this welfare system in Japan may be a tougher world than the world of business.

This is because there is a concept of "independence support" as a major principle of welfare.

This way of thinking means "supporting people to become independent", and it's spelled exactly like the kanji. That's what I mean.

​In other words, it is “all me” who does his own thing no matter what.

We, welfare workers, will be the ones who will help you, and we will take the stance of "I will support you to do it".

So I don't do it all.

It is the role of welfare to help only where you can't.

What about business?

Business is about doing what your customers want you to do.

​​In other words, you will receive a certain amount of money, but in return, you will exchange a promise that you will take care of everything.​​

Then, don't you think that the latter is really easier for people?

That's why the formula holds that business is actually kinder than welfare.​

However, the cost is completely different, but if you look at the system, you actually have to do welfare on your own, so it may be a troublesome and harsh world.

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See you soon ✌️
