
In the end, technology is only symptomatic therapy 2

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today is a continuation of yesterday.

I will talk about "Technology is only symptomatic therapy in the end 2".

But before that, I'd like to ask everyone again today.

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Well then, here's the continuation of yesterday...

So it's a treatment with a very strong temporary meaning.

Well, about this symptomatic therapy, the other day, I suddenly thought about it.

Actually, it's similar to the impact of technology on people.

At the beginning, I said alternative therapy and complementary treatment, but I think it certainly has an alternative and complementary role.

But, at the root, people have to control everything, right?

I feel like I'm going to be told, "That's why it's complementary," but what about the alternative one?

If there are no people, it won't work, right?

That technology.

Driving a car doesn't work properly if there are no people on it, and if you don't operate your smartphone, it won't move on its own, right?

In other words, all technologies can't be run normally without human resources.

It seems to be said, "So what is it?", but if a person doesn't move his first move, the technology won't work normally.

That means that if a person is ruined, that technology will also be ruined, at the moment.

By the way, I don't know about the coming era.

Because, depending on the evolution, development, and development of AI, when the era of AGI and the era of ASI comes, even if there are no "people" to be entrusted with the root of it, technology may be used and utilized by technology. Right.

I don't know that.

It was a little aside.

I'll go back to you.

So, if you don't polish the resources of people, no matter how convenient the technology is, it's just a tool to get through a certain phenomenon easily, so if you don't correct the fundamental resource, that is, "people" properly, how long will it be? Even after that, strange accidents will occur, use it for bad things, cause trouble, and it will feel as if the inflammation caused by the disease continues to smoke.

I thought that this "strange accident happens" and "used for bad things" is very much like symptomatic therapy in the medical industry.

So how was it?

Today's story.

Was it a little hard to understand?

In short, let's be a person who can use technology and medical care well, and in order to do that, let's improve literacy properly.

If you can touch various technologies, study, and use them well, you can live a comfortable life.

However, evolution is getting faster and faster, so it's hard to follow, but let's try without giving up.

Well, as for me as usual, sometimes I blog about things I came up with at that time like today, miscellaneous notes and subjective things that are easy to understand using psychology, brain science, personality analysis, etc.

So, if you are interested in today's blog, please bring your finger to this other blog once.

Everything can be read in about 5 minutes.

We accept questions, impressions, and consultations from the official LINE.

I will also post stories that I couldn't write, so I'm waiting for your registration.

Finally, if you say that today's story was good, please introduce it to your friends.

See you later✌️
