
Let's make your dreams come true with cheat strategy .(Part 1)

Hello, everyone.

Sai & Co. WAKU Chare Labo's Sai & Co. It is.

Well, today, I will talk about "Let's make your dreams come true with cheat strategy (Part 1)" while brushing up my past blog.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If that's the way, please share it😁

Then it's the main topic.

If there were such a class in compulsory education, it might have been Japan where quite successful people were born.

I'm going to talk about that today.

Before that, about the current Japanese education policy, there are trial and error in the stuffing type, the spacious type, and various methods, and they are being tested, but none of them feel right now.

Even if you look at the study that my child is doing, the base is still memorized.

In almost all subjects.

It's no different from when we spent the employment ice age.

I'm not saying that memorizing is completely meaningless, but if you go out into society, you have to memorize only at the beginning, and then you have to think, think, think, think, and give an answer by yourself while there is no answer, but when you are young? When I see a child who has only studied memorization for 12 years, I can only think, "It's a waste of 12 years."

(Now the times have changed, and with the progress of generated AI, everything can be completed with a PC or smartphone.

Certainly, if you rely too much on modern technology, it is inevitable that the abilities and skills will disappear.

However, it is a human creature that is based on thinking that you don't want to go back to the original, so I think it is certain that the class of generative AI will be incorporated in the near future.

Of course, Japan will still have a long way to go, but...

If that's the case, there won't be any more meaning in studying memorization, right?

In a fierce country, if there is a generated AI and physical education, and then there is a mind class, there are no other classes, there may be places like that may come out.

In that sense, the future of China and India is quite interesting.

I'm rather excited about what kind of leapfrog you're going to show me.)

Let's get down to business.

For example, as for the dream realization method, if you number it from 1 to 10 like a cooking recipe book and know the process until it is completed, you will have an image that "Oh, if you do this, you can reach the goal", right?

I know how to do it, and there are instructions, so all I have to do is think, "Okay, let's do it."

It's also the same to start something.

It's the same when you practice riding a bicycle, when you practice going upside down, and when you go to Tokyo Disneyland for the first time.

Everyone is the same, imagining from the start to the goal and starting to do it.

(Some of them are special.

He is a person who has a "mind that you can understand if you do it".

Such a person will deepen his understanding as he does it, so he can take action as soon as possible.

You will be very blessed with opportunities, and it will be easier to get the profits of the predecessors.

But on the other hand, the disadvantage is also the first to receive, so there is also a risky side.

So the method I'm practicing is to use a case-by-case mind that "you'll understand if you do it" or "I'll do it after I understand" mind.

This is a fairly stable tactic that does not win big instead of losing, and it is a method that imitates Sun Tzu's art of warfare.

Well, it's a feeling that if you don't lose, it will be the same as winning.)

Actually, the logic is the same as this, and if you can imagine the process from the start to the goal, you will be motivated to take drastic actions.

( Draw the goal more concretely.

The more specifically you draw, the more the future will be attracted to you.

It's commonly called "the law of attraction".

First of all, it makes the brain strongly recognize it.

If it's too abstract, the brain won't know what to do, so there's no more thought going forward.

So, in order to make the brain recognize as clearly as possible, more specifically, where and what do you do when you achieve the goal?, What is the weather at that time?, What is the temperature at that time?, Who are you with?, Is it indoors? . Is it outdoors? Is it Japan? Is it a foreign country? What kind of clothes are you wearing? What are your belongings at that time? What is the smell you smelled at that time? The more specific it is, the more the brain compares the current self with the self at the goal, and the difference between As if to fill the gap, they give instructions to their thoughts and bodies one after another.

After that, if you act obediently according to the correction behavior of the brain, it will take you to your goal without permission, it's like this.)

The only difference is that the instruction manual that depicts from the start to the goal, or the strategy book is not sold.

It means that they don't teach me at school either.

(So, how was it?

This time, I understood after writing it, but it became quite a long sentence, so I'll end it here for now.

The continuation will be tomorrow, so please continue to enjoy tomorrow.

So if you are happy with today's story so far, please share it with your friends.

See you later✌️)
