
Throwing your role to someone is against the rules.

hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

Well, today I'm going to explain "throwing your role to others is a violation of the rules".

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Now let's get down to business.

Well everyone.

Is there anyone around you?

A person who said, "Why are you waving over here even though it's your job?"

There may not be 2 or 3 employees in the workplace, but there is always one person in a place where there are more than one.

By the way, don't you get a lot of stress from being around people like this?

After all, I think the real intention is to say, "Do your own work, I'm busy too."

But if you say it outright, you can't refuse it, and it's even more so if the other person is a senior or boss.

And only those people are unaware of it.

Whose role is this job? That's what I mean.

For that reason, if you can do it, you will do it thanks to yourself, and if you can't do it, why can't you? It's stuffed, and it's a good nuisance from the person who received the work.

If you feel like this, of course, a good relationship will not be born.

So, first of all, if you have any idea, stop giving such instructions right now.

And let's look back once even if you think you're going to be okay.

Sometimes I don't notice it, so it's good to ask people.

Once you are aware of the signs, next time, think about "whose job is the job that came to you?"​

After thinking about it, decide who is suitable for assignment, and assign the work.

If you do that, your management ability as a boss will improve, and your subordinates will be able to work with satisfaction.

If that happens, the trust in you will increase, so you can operate a three-way good organization.

The next thing to explain is how to decline the request.

The quickest thing to do is to clearly say "I can't do it" without a facial expression.

If that's difficult, try saying, "It's difficult because I'm so busy with my own work right now. Could you send me to someone else?"

If the other person still does not back down, you can ask, "Then, by when should I finish it?" It is possible." and answer the date you decided.

If you get the OK, that's it, and if you don't get the OK, you should honestly say, "I can't meet your expectations."

In such cases, it is important to communicate your intentions clearly.

Unless the person has a very twisted personality, they will try to assign the job to someone who is unexpectedly simple, and that will not lower their evaluation.

At first glance, it seems that trust will build up if you accept the work that your superiors and seniors ask you to do without refusing, but that is just an assumption. It's convenient."

First, it's normal to do all the important work yourself, and it's unnatural to leave it to someone else.

So, if you want evaluation, it's best to get results.

Finally, there are some people who will continue to give you work regardless of whether you refuse or not.

Please be careful with such people.

He has a slightly dark side to his personality, so if possible, I recommend not dating him.

That's why, if you think today's story was "good", please introduce it to your friends😁

See you soon ✌️
