
The psychology of people who try to control others

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today I'm going to talk about "the psychology of people who try to control others."

But before that, please.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If so, please share it with your friends😁

Then it's the main topic.

Well, everyone.

Isn't there anyone around you?

Such a person.

Because a person who is blatantly trying to control others.

"Eh? Is there such a person?" I think I can hear a voice, but this is unexpectedly around you.

I'm just not conscious of it.

Please listen to the voices of the people around you for a moment.

Try ignoring the way you say it and the up and down of your position, and say, "Huh? Isn't this person trying to use Mr. 〇〇 in a good way?" Is there anyone?

"Mr. 〇〇, please give me this" or "Hey, Mr. 〇〇, take it!" Or, "Hey, this cardboard, 〇〇-kun, clean up!" Or, can't you hear a lot of things in your daily life?

That's right.

There are quite a few people who say these things as a matter of course, regardless of whether they are older or lower, their positions are higher or lower, or whether they say it, the way they say it, the tone of their voice, or the choice of words.

Well, it may be a matter of course, but in the end, the use of words is polite, but if you look at the true meaning of the words, you are a person who is trying to make good use of others and achieve his purpose.

In terms of personality, he is a person who has a taker or a dark personality.

Well, it's about the psychology that often happens to people who are trying to control others, or rather, it's also a line that I often use, but what is that? I mean, "I'm saying it for your sake!" What is it?

If you take this as you say, it's a word that seems to come from a kind heart, saying, "Oh, that person is thinking for me," but in fact, there is a very selfish psychology hidden behind this line. It is.

It's the psychology of self-conservance.

In other words, in order to protect yourself, "I'm saying it for your sake!" What are you saying?

For example, let's say that you thought for Mr. A and said, "It's better to do 〇〇."

But this is because Mr. A will be in trouble if he doesn't do 〇〇, so there is a high possibility that he is advising him to do 〇〇.

That's because if you don't need to protect yourself, people will become indifferent to others.

So, in the first place, "I'm saying it for your sake!" I don't say anything.

Of course, not everyone says that's right, but there are some people who give advice from a 100% kindness.

But most people are, that's right, about 80% to 90% of people are saying it for themselves.

Everyone is that cute.

If you are cute, you can also take it as a narcissistic meaning, but the fact that you think you are cute is originally a good thing.

If you don't think you're cute, your sense of self-affirmation will decrease, and if you deny yourself, you may hurt others.

However, "You can't just overdo it!" That's what I'm talking about.

If you just dominate others too much, the destination you will end up, of course, will be disliked by everyone.

"That person uses too much people, it's annoying!" That's it.

Moreover, if you look at the person who doesn't listen to you even though you are thinking for that person, this time you will gradually try to rule with power.

It's so-called verbal abuse and violence.

If you are convinced that people are superior to others in terms of ability, they are creatures that suddenly mount.

However, when it comes to verbal abuse and violence, this is completely out.

It's going to be a crime, so it won't be enough to be just a lover's quarrel.

So, in order not to do so, please be careful not to overdo it.

So how was it?

Today's story.

Every day like this, I blog about how to make relationships well, using psychology, brain science, personality analysis, etc. in an easy-to-understand way.

So, if you are interested in today's blog, please bring your finger to this other blog once.

Everything can be read in about 5 minutes.

We accept questions, impressions, and consultations from the official LINE.

I will also post stories that I couldn't write, so I'm waiting for your registration.

Finally, if you say that today's story was good, please introduce it to your friends.

See you later✌️
