by Instagram Creators

Hi, Welcome to @creators
We're here to empower and inspire emerging creators just like you. Sadly, we can't answer all of the questions we get via DMs but here are some of our most commonly asked questions.

Q: How do I get Verified?
Q: 認証バッチを取得する方法は?

Accounts with verified badges are well-known public figures, celebrities and global brands on Instagram. These accounts have beåen given verified badges because they're likely to be impersonated.
We verify accounts to ensure people in the Instagram community can easily find the authentic people and brands they want to follow. If an account is verified, a blue verified badge will appear next to their name in search and on their profile.

1 To access the verification request form, tap the gear icon to go to Settings,

Q: I can't use a specific feature, how do I get access?
Q: 特定の機能が使えないのですが、どうすればいいですか?

There are a few steps you can take :
1 Make sure you've updated your app to the latest version of Instagram.
2 Sign out of the app, force-quit and
then open it back up and sign in again.
3 If the feature still isn't there, try re-installing the app.
1 アプリを最新のInstagramにアップデートしているか確認してください。
2 アプリからサインアウトし、強制終了して
3 それでも表示されない場合は、アプリを再インストールしてみてください。

Q: What if that doesn't work?
Q: うまくいかない場合は?

When we launch new features, we sometimes use holdout groups to test the quality and stability of our products.
Some features may not be available in your region due to policy constraints.

Q: Why won't you go back to chronological feed?
Q: どうしてフィードを時系列に戻してくれないのですか?
Since switching to a ranked feed, the average post is now seen by 50% more followers than it did with the chronological model.

Q: How do I filter out comments I don't want to appear on my posts?
Q: 自分の投稿に表示させたくないコメントをフィルタリングするにはどうしたらいいですか?

Comments that may be inappropriate, offensive or bullying are automatically filtered out from your posts, stories and live videos. Comments are filtered automatically by default, but you can always change this setting.

You can also turn on a keyword filter to hide comments that contain specific words, phrases, numbers or emojis that you'd like to avoid.
From the Comment Controls, select next to Manual Filter to turn it on.

Q: How often do you change the algorithm? ✔
Q: どのくらいの頻度でアルゴリズムを変更していますか?✔

Because it's powered by machine learning, Instagram's feed ranking is constantly adapting and improving based on new data.

Q: Does the type of account you have impact ranking?
Q: アカウントの種類がランキングに影響することはありますか?

No, we do not favor posts from businesses or verified accounts in Feed. If you interact with that content more, of course it is more likely to appear at the top of your feed

Q: Does Feed ranking favor videos & over photos ?
Q: フィードランキングでは、写真よりも動画が上位に表示されますか?

We don't universally favor photos over videos. Your feed is customized for you, so it really depends on how you use Instagram. If you consistently watch a lot of videos, that will be reflected in your feed.

Q: I've heard that the algorithm ranks posts higher that get a lot of likes or comments in the first 30 minutes?

Q: We hear that pods (i.e. groups of people who agree to like and comment on each others' posts) can help a post appear higher in feed?

Authenticity and transparency are key to building sustainable engagement on Instagram. Trying to game the system may provide a short-term benefit, but it is not a recipe for success long term. In addition, Instagram's feed ranking is powered by machine learning, which is constantly adapting to new patterns in data. So it can recognize inauthentic activity and make adjustments.

Q: I've heard that Instagram doesn't count something as a comment unless it's more than 1/2/3 words?

Q: What will the ads look like?
Q: 広告はどのようなものになりますか?

IGTV ads will initially appear when people click to watch IGTV videos from previews in their feed. The video ads will be mobile first and up to 15 seconds long. We'll test various experiences within IGTV ads throughout the year - such as the ability to skip an ad - to make sure the final result works well for people, creators and advertisers.

Q: What are the creator eligibility requirements?
Q: クリエイターの資格要件は何ですか?

Creators must adhere to Instagram Partner Monetization Policies and Content Monetization Policies in order to gain access to tools that enable monetization, including (but not limited to) IGTV Ads. These policies outline that an account must comply with our Community Guidelines and have an authentic, established presence on Instagram. This means only sharing content that they have created and have the right to use.

Q: How many creators are in this test?
Q: このテストには何人のクリエイターが参加しているのでしょうか?

We'll start testing IGTV ads with about 200 creators in the US. We believe that emerging creators will see the most benefit from monetization in IGTV but we want to test with a variety of accounts to make sure we get this right as we expand.

Q: How much will creators earn per view?
Earnings calculated based on how much advertisers pay and how many monetizable plays the video receives. These may fluctuate throughout the testing period.

Payouts are likely to be small as we test and build the IGTV Ads experience. Our goal is to make this valuable for creators in the long term.

Q: Are there requirements for a video in order to be monetizable?
Q: マネタイズするための動画の条件はありますか?

In addition to adhering to Partner and Content Monetization Policies, any video must adhere to the following criteria in order to be eligible for ads:

✔ Two minutes or longer
✔ Advertiser-friendly
✔ In English, including titles and descriptions
Not violate intellectual property rules (i.e. it cannot contain any music that creators don't own rights to)
✔ 2分以上

Previously-posted IGTV videos or any new videos posted without Feed previews are not eligible for monetization.

Q: Will creators get new insights with IGTV ads?
Q: IGTV広告でクリエイターは新しいインサイトを得られるのでしょうか?

Creators with IGTV ads enabled will see new monetization metrics in Insights. This includes the monetization "status" of a video uploaded with ads, approximate earnings, monetizable plays and monetizable plays RPM.

Approximate earnings: your approximate earnings from ads inserts in your videos, based on the total number of monetizable plays and your revenue per 1,000 monetizable plays (RPM).
Monetizable plays: The number of times your video was played when an ad could have been inserted, whether or not one was.

Monetizable plays RPM: Your average revenue from 1,000 monetizable plays on your video.

Q: How often will creators get paid?

Payouts will be issued once a month, beginning in July.



Q: Why did Instagram make this change?

A: Instagram is adapting to enormous shifts in how people use the platform. The Reels tab makes it easier for people to discover Reels from all over the world and gives creators a bigger stage to share entertaining videos. It will also help up-and coming creators reach new audiences on a global scale.
A: インスタグラムは、人々の利用方法の大きな変化に対応しています。Reels」タブは、人々が世界中の「Reels」を簡単に発見できるようにし、クリエイターがエンターテイメント性の高い動画を共有するための大きな舞台を提供します。また、新進気鋭のクリエイターが世界規模で新たな視聴者を獲得するのにも役立ちます。

Q: Will this affect my distribution?
A: As comes from any big change, there could be some shifts to your experience, distribution, and insights in the short term while users adjust to the new tabs. Longer term, we expect the impact to lessen and we are confident that you will have more opportunity to create entertaining content and monetize on Instagram.
A: 大きな変化にはつきものですが、ユーザーが新しいタブに慣れるまでの間、短期的にはお客様の体験、配信、インサイトなどに変化が生じる可能性があります。長期的には、影響は少なくなると思われますので、楽しいコンテンツを作成し、インスタグラムで収益を上げる機会が増えると確信しています。

Q: Do I have to create Reels to growth and get distribution on Instagram?
Q: Reels to growthを作成して、Instagramで配信を受ける必要がありますか?

A: The most successful Creators on Instagram build community and optimize for engagement. We have a number of tools to help you do this, including utilizing carousels, asking your followers to turn on notifications, creating conversations via comments, and so on. It is also super important to use all of the different surfaces for creation that Instagram offers-not just Feed but Stories, IGTV, Reels, and Live. We recommend that you post a mix of content types and lean more into video. As always, make sure that you are creating content that is keeping your followers and community engaged and constantly coming back for more!
A: インスタグラムで最も成功しているクリエイターは、コミュニティを構築し、エンゲージメントを最適化しています。カルーセルを活用したり、フォロワーに通知をオンにしてもらったり、コメントで会話をしたりと、そのためのツールがいくつも用意されています。また、フィードだけでなく、ストーリーズ、IGTV、リール、ライブなど、インスタグラムが提供するさまざまな制作の場をすべて利用することも非常に重要です。様々な種類のコンテンツを投稿し、より動画に近いものを投稿することをお勧めします。いつものように、フォロワーやコミュニティを惹きつけ、常に戻ってきてもらえるようなコンテンツを作るようにしましょう。

Q: Will this impact distribution of Branded Content?
Q: ブランデッドコンテンツの配信に影響はありますか?

A: The changes we made to Instagram's navigation will in no way prioritize or de prioritize Branded Content. We are always building new ways for creators to monetize and build a business on Instagram.
↑Swipe up to check out a few more ↑
A: Instagramのナビゲーションを変更しても、ブランデッドコンテンツが優先されたり、優先されなかったりすることはありません。私たちは、クリエイターがインスタグラムで収益を上げ、ビジネスを構築するための新しい方法を常に構築しています。

Q: What is the purpose of the Explore tab and how is this different from the Reels/Shop tabs?
Q: 「Explore」タブの目的と、「Reels」や「Shop」タブとの違いは何ですか?

A: The Explore tab is where your audience will go to discover new accounts and things to love, accessing the breadth of personalized, fresh content related to things they care about.

A: "Explore "タブは、オーディエンスが新しいアカウントや好きなものを発見するための場所です。
The Reels tab gives people a place to watch short, fun videos, and helps your Reels get discovered by new audiences on a bigger, global stage. The tab will provide a deeply immersive Reels-experience with autoplaying videos and we'll also have a creation entry point that opens directly to the Reels camera.
The Shop tab gives people a better way to connect with the brands and creators they love, plus browse new products. Users will find personalized recommendations, editors' picks curated by our @shop channel, shoppable videos, new product collections, and more.

Q: How will my content show up on the Explore, Reels and Shop tabs?
Q: 「Explore」、「Reels」、「Shop」タブに私のコンテンツはどのように表示されますか?

A: Similar to today, we will continue to use a number of different signals to source content for the Explore, Reels, and Shopping tabs to ensure that the content that is surfaced is personalized for each user. Reels, IGTV, and Shopping products will continue to surface on Explore, as they do today.
A: 現在と同様に、「Explore」、「Reels」、「Shopping」タブに表示されるコンテンツのソースには、さまざまなシグナルを使用して、表示されるコンテンツが各ユーザーに合わせてカスタマイズされるようにします。なお、「リール」、「IGTV」、「ショッピング」の商品は、現在と同様に「Explore」に表示されます。

Q: How does this impact IGTV? IG Live?
Q: これはIGTVにどのような影響を与えますか?IGライブは?

A: IGTV: With these changes, there will no longer be an IGTV creation button through the main upload flow but you will be able to access IGTV creation through your Profile. Live: You'll be able to go live by tapping the "+" creation icon in the top left right of your screen and selecting the "live" button option.
A: IGTVです。今回の変更に伴い、メインのアップロードフローにはIGTV作成ボタンがなくなりますが、プロフィールからIGTV作成にアクセスできるようになります。ライブ。画面左上の「+」の作成アイコンをタップし、「ライブ」ボタンを選択することで、ライブを行うことができるようになります。

Q: Can I opt out of this new experience on Instagram?
Q: この新しい体験をInstagramでオプトアウトすることはできますか?

A: This is the future vision for Instagram and we are super excited to roll this out to all countries with access to Reels and Shopping. You are unable to opt out if you are located in one of these regions.
A: これはInstagramの将来的なビジョンであり、リールとショッピングにアクセスできるすべての国で展開することに非常に興奮しています。これらの地域にお住まいの方は、オプトアウトすることができません。

