
SweetsStories4 Last nutella pancake

From the last few days before Niko leave here, I cannot close to him.
because I don't wanna miss him anymore.
It was like a practice for the day of saying goodbye to Niko.
I tried to don't come to look at Niko anymore.
but It was no possible.
@The day to said Goodbye to Niko
I was writing a letter to Niko in my room.
Niko was outside with Speedy Gonzales.
a lot of people gathered outside for saying Goodbye to Niko.
I was waiting for the time to give this letter to Niko.
I opened my door, Niko found me and said
"Kullu! What were you doing inside?" 
I muttered "I did crochet...."
Niko said "Come! Sit! Kullu!"
and offer the chair next to Niko for me as usual.
I love this. Niko always offered the chair next to him for me.
I already miss him.....almost crying.
In the morning,
Nobody had come yet.
Niko asked me "Could you go to order Nutella pancake for me, Kullu?"
I answered "Sure!!" and went to order the last Nutella Pancake especially for Niko.
Niko cut it into pieces and share it with us as usual.
Niko said, " Today's pancake is especially good."
I agreed with Niko and told him proudly, "When I ordered, I told the chef, Niko leave here today. The chef said, "I know.""
Niko said "Awee, That's why this one is especially good, right ?" and laugh.


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