
Throw away your television

This i-phone, I couldn't use without asking for ex-bf.
'cause my ex-bf 's gf gave it to ex-bf.
ex-bf let me use it for this trip.
ex-bf often said, "You have to thank my girlfriend, then You can use."
I didn't care about that shit. I just wanna use it for listening to music or taking some pictures.

"I don't wanna make contact with anyone now.
and I just wanna enjoy this environment that does not lead to the internet. sir!"
I said to Boss clearly.
and actually I could not open mail from my family, 'cause I was afraid one thing.
A few months before coming to this trip,
My ex-bf broke the mobile phone that my sister had been lent for me.
It was his 3rd time broke my phone. F men!
so I couldn't contact anyone.
ex-bf often changed the password for don't let me use.
so, I didn't wanna use it if I have to apologize.
F meeeen.

I said to Boss"I don't know much about such a high-tech machine than Boss, sir!
I almost gonna crazy."
but Boss said, "Try it!"
I was confused.
Niko looked at this situation.
and said to me "Throw it away to the River, Kullu!"
I really wanted to do so, but photos of Speedy on the i-phone....

ex-bf tied me by my past things (PTSD) or money problem or sex problem.
I opened my mind to ex-bf and I talked to him about my problems and worries. but for ex-bf, It has become just a tool to tie me.

The purpose of this trip was often changed by the situation to beneficial to myself. but the root is independence.

I think people's communication is like a mirror, my attitude to ex-bf also bad.
but even so, the mirror of ex-bf is bad refracting. I think a little cracked.
for me, It was too hard. Yeah. It was too hard for me.


エルマ鹿通信 el magica express
Thank you!