My friend Lisa who was same class when I was WdKA in Rotterdam visited me to Japan from the Netherlands today. I felt so happy to see her in Japan. However I also noticed about my English has problem with the conversation of when I want to talk more than daily conversation. I really want to talk with her about being a mother as an artist and difference and same thing Japan and the Netherlands. My pronunciation especially "R" has very difficult problem. Maybe also "V" and "TH". If I said "I agree with you." People could get "Ugly" instead of "agree". Someday I would love to live out of Japan again. It could be my dream. Thus I need practice English more and more from tomorrow on then. That's why I wrote this daily from today on. I must continue this almost everyday.
Today's new words:
Euthanasia 安楽死。オランダは合法で安楽死ができるが、実際は主治医と仲良くないと認められないことがるという!
Didtracted 気が散った
Bullying いじめ
Humanities 人文系
Private establishment 私設