Since I discarded some furniture,my home is messy now.
I wanna tidy up my home,and I must buy something new furniture.
So last time I failed,I'm going to make a plan and buy them.
I feel blue when I think I have to do.
Well,I had a lunch at the cafe in front of the Ichigao station with my husband.The owner of the cafe is an American,maybe.And he doesn't speak in Japanese.
I thought that I was able to talk to him,but I couldn't!
Since I threw away some furniture, my house is a mess.I wanna tidy up my house,and I need to buy some new furniture.
Last time,I failed in choosing the right piece of furniture,so I'm going to make a plan and buy them.
I feel blue when I think I have to do it.
Well,I had lunch at the cafe in front of Aobadai Station with my husband.The owner of the cafe is an American,maybe.And he doesn't speak in Japanese.
I thought that I was able to talk to him,but I couldn't!
A:Since I threw away some furniture. throw away 捨てる、の普通の言い方。
home は使えるが、日本人の人は家というとすぐhomeを使いたがるが、物体としての家はあくまでもhouseで、友達の家も自分の家ではないので、I went to his house.
My house is a mess. Things are scattered around (ちらかっている)など。
自宅に戻るも、come home / go home もいいが、I came back to my house. でもいい。
I need to buy some new furniture. somethingを置いてしまうと、それ自体が名詞で完結するので、furnitureはおけない。someのみ。
So last time のsoは「~なので」ではなく、「だから、とその結果を後ろにおくもの」。そうすると話がつながらない。だからなくして、Last time, I failed ,,,だけど、これだと何に失敗したのかわからない。日本人だと察してくれるが英語なら、I failed in choosing the right piece of furnitureのようにちゃんと言ったほうがよい。ちなみに家具は数えられないので、a piece of furniture, 2 pieces of furnitureと、pieceを複数にして数える。
I have to do it. doが他動詞なので、it がいる。
I had lunch, a はつけない。
Aobadai Stationこれ自体が固有名詞。theはつけない。