本当はSPAPE Q&Aのメンバー4人で呑むはずだったが、東京でのコロナ感染者増加を受けて、メンバーの一人が控えたい、という話になった。なので、個人的に2人で飲んだ。いろんな事を話して、凄く酔っ払った。あー楽しかった。
I got drinks with my friend,Michiko.I've formed two bands with her.
Actually,We're going to get drinks with the other 3 members.But Corona infected person have increased in the last few days,and one of the members told us that he wants to cancel.
We talked about a lot of things and we were drunked.
I had a really great time!
Last night I went out drinking with my friend called Michiko.We are playing in 2 bands which were originally formed by us.
Actually,it was a plan for all the members of SPAPE Q&A,but because the number of the people infected with COVID-19 has been increasingin the last few days,so we cancelled the plan and just me and Michiko went out personally.
We talked about a lot of things and we were drunk.
I had a really great time!
A:Last night, I went out drinking with my friend called Michiko. We're playing in 2 bands which were originally formed by us.
呑みに行くは、go out for drinking, go out for a drink
Actually, it was a plan for all the members of バンドの名前、but because the number of the people infected with corona virus has been increasing,
be infected with coronavirus / COVID-19 で言い方はどっちでもいい。そしてthe window broken by Tom を使うの。
数字自体が増えてきているならhasで受けて、人が増えているならhave been increasingとする。
in the last few daysは良いよ。
でも英語はHe told me that he loved me.と「言った時」と同じ時に愛していることを伝えるためには、同じ時制に整える。
A:もし、彼がもう別れるつもりで「愛していたのに」と言った場合、それを事実として友達に伝える場合は、He told me that he had loved me. と大過去を使うの。助動詞のhad+過去分詞。大過去っていうのは、過去の、もう一つ古い過去のことだから、英語を見ている人は、toldより前の話だな、と思うわけ。
So, we cancelled the plan and just me and Michiko went out personally. その辺は暗黙の了解が無いのでちゃんと書いた方が良いと思う。
We were drunk. We got drunk.でdrink の過去分詞を使う。drink-drank-drunk
酔っぱらっている場合、スラングとかもあるけど、普通にI'm drunkでいいと思う。I'm really drunk / very drunk ってね。
A:恥ずかしやだね。やっぱnoteに書くと意識するね。笑 私もなんとなく緊張してる笑 なんか、妙にまとめて書いたりね。