
Honey Chocolate Truffle

About 20 Truffles


100g chocolate
80mL fresh cream
20g honey
10g butter
cocoa powder

1 plain nozzle
1 piping bag


•step1( preparation)
Shift chopped chocolate in a bowl. Keep butter in roim temperature.

Put fresh cream and honey in the saucepan, then heat it until it gets just befor boiling. Then add them to the bowl with the chopped chocolate and stir gently until chocolate has melted.

Add butter into the bowl and stir again unitil smooth.

Keep stirring gently and cooling with ice wateruntil the mixture becomes firm( very loose) enough to squeeze into a piping bag.

Fill the piping bag with a plain nozzle, then squeeze out about 2 teaspoons at a time onto a plastic wrap. Cool them in the fridge for 20-30 minutes, then roll out again by hand and place in the fridge.

Preapre for cacao powder in the flat dish. Roll over the chocolate balls on the cacao powder and stick together . Done!
