
上手に会話する10の方法 - Celeste Headlee

今回は留学に関する話ではありませんが、以前TEDで紹介されていた(YouTubeにも動画あります) 長年ラジオ番組の司会をしている Celeste Headleeによる10 ways to have a better conversation - 上手に会話する10の方法をご紹介します。

Many of you have already heard a lot of advice on this thing like look the person in the eye, think of interesting topics to discuss in advance, look nod and smile that show you’re paying attention, repeat back what you just heard or summarize it, so I want you to forget all of that it is crap. There is no reason to learn how to show you’re paying attention if you are in fact paying attention.

10 ways to have a better conversation - 上手に会話する10の方法

1. Don't multitask – Be present / Don’t be half in half out of the conversation

2. Don't pontificate - Set aside your personal opinion. Everyone you meet knows something that you don’t. Everyone is an expert in something.

3. Use open ended questions - Who, what, where, when, how? Let them describe it. They're the ones that know.

4. Go with the flow – Let them come and let them go.

5. If you don't know, say that you don't know - Talk should not be cheap.

6. Don't equate your experience with theirs - If they’re talking about the time they lost a family member, don’t start talking about the time you lost a family member. If they start talking about the trouble they’re having at work, don’t start talking about how much you hate your job. It’s never the same. All experiences are individual. Conversation are not a promotional opportunity.
(相手の経験を自分の経験と同一視しない – 相手と自分の経験は全く別物)

7. Try not to repeat yourself - It can come across as condescending and it’s really boring. We tend to do it a lot in work situations and conversations with our kids.

8. Stay out of the weeds – People don’t care about the years, the names, the dates, all those details that you’re struggling to come up with in your mind they don’t care what they care about is you.
(細かいことにこだわらない – 相手は年や名前、日付など苦労して思い出そうとしている詳細を気にしていない)

9. Listen – It is the most important one.
Most of people don’t listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply.
• If your mouth is open you’re not learning – Budda
• No man ever listened his way out of a job – Calvin Coolidge

10. Be brief – “A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject”
(簡潔に – 良い会話はミニスカートのようなもの。興味を引くくらい短く、ただし肝心なところをカバーできるくらいは長く

Be interested in other people.
Be prepared to be amazed!
