
"Songs for AGUA 水" 2024.09.27-29

2024年9月27日〜29日、三溪園旧燈明寺本堂にて開催された、Mil Nueve Ocho主催展示「AGUA 水」に参加しました。

I participated in the exhibition “AGUA 水” organized by Mil Nueve Ocho at Sankeien's old Toumyouji from Sep 27 to 29, 2024.

Songs for AGUA 水


Spatial design with music. The music concepts are "AGUA", "Japan and Colombia" and "Temple". 10 songs was inspired by the exhibition concept and the architectural characteristics of the temple, and play from 10 small speakers installed inside and outside the temple.


Each piece of music is played in harmony with the other while continuously shifting, and the sound changes like a gradation depending on where you are.



This song combines Taisho koto and Colombian rhythms, rippling
marimba, and the sound of Suikinkutsu (water koto cavern).



This song expresses the atmosphere of floating in water with acoustic guitar.



This song is inspired by the sound of birds singing and the wind passing.



This song combines the piano like ripples spreading out and the sound of floating river.



This song imitates Colombian rhythms on gut guitar.



This song mixes percussiveness and abyssal atmospheres like Kabuki's Tsuke (Japanese classical drama's sound effects) by acoustic bass.



This song combines violin, mandolin and Taisho koto inspired by Gagaku (ancient Japanese court music), and mixed breathing sounds and heartbeats.



This song combines Colombian rhythms with the sounds of shakuhachi (bamboo flute), harp, the sound of shaking water in a bottle, and the sound of fast river.



This song combines Ainu rhythms, mukkuri (Ainu mouth harp), and udu, which is reminiscent of water.



This song mixes clarinets like the breath of the forest with the sound of waves.

自然のカオス構造を音楽で表現する / Expressing the chaotic structure of nature through music


Through this work, I felt that I was able to realize one of my production themes, expressing the chaotic structure of nature through music, to some extent.

誘っていただいた「Mil Nueve Ocho」、コロンビアと日本の参加アーティストの皆さん、三溪園の職員の方々、お越しいただいた皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。

I would like to thank the "Mil Nueve Ocho" for inviting me, the participating artists from Colombia and Japan, the staff of Sankeien, and everyone who came.

Place:三溪園旧燈明寺本堂 / Sankeien's old Toumyouji
Photos:Aoi Kudo
