【折り紙ドラゴン】砂原のガルディエス/【origamidragon】Gardies of the Sandbanks
また、制作過程をyoutubeの方で公開しています!よろしければホームページからご覧ください٩( 'ω' )و
Work No.905 "Gardies of the Sandbanks" 11 pieces
Subject "Upper body
After soaring the heavens, running the earth, and sailing the seas, the dragons next headed for the dunes, where nothing but grains of sand existed.
The environment is harsh. The environment is harsh, and they challenge the place that would exist to erase life.
When I was thinking of making a work with only the upper body of a dragon, 🌄 came to my mind.
Also, the production process is published on youtube! Please see the homepage if you like ٩( 'ω' )و
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