

Japan scales back listing shake-up

数年前に議論が始まったとき、この改革はビッグバン、つまり企業再編と取締役会の揺り戻しの推進力として議論された。厳しい規制と高い最低時価総額によって、プライム・セグメントは高いコーポレート・ガバナンス基準を保ち、自由に売買できる株式の割合がかなり高いエリート大企業が群を作り出す予定だった。現在、ステータスではあるが門戸の広い東証1部(会員数2,185社)に所属する多くの企業数百社は、プライム会員にはなれず、しかしその基準を達成するために必死にはるはずだった… When discussions began a few years ago, this change was mooted as a big bang — a propellant of corporate reorganisation and boardroom shake-ups. Through tough restrictions and a high minimum market cap, the prime segment was going to create an elite of large companies that had high corporate governance standards and a substantial proportion of their shares that can be freely traded. Many hundreds of companies currently in the prestigious but vast (2,185-member) First Section of the TSE would have been denied prime membership but fought to recover it.

しかし、東証はそのような混乱を恐れて、優良会員へのハードルを下げることを選択してしまった。現在では、取引可能な株式の時価総額は100億円(8,720万ドル)、1日の最低売買高はそれほど厳しくないという条件をクリアすれば、プライム会員になれる。Somewhere along the way, however, the TSE was prevailed upon to fear that scale of disruption and instead lower the bar for prime membership. To qualify now, companies require a market capitalization of its tradeable shares of just Y10bn ($87.2m) and will have to meet less demanding minimum daily turnover requirements.

There are two reasons for disappointment. The first is hinted at by the straining of Tokyo Ichiban and others to qualify for the prime market. Such companies will still have to strive to reach the top tier but a prime market with tougher requirements would have been an even greater spur to raise standards. Companies pushing themselves hard on targets, even very stretched ones, are attractive to investors. Many have lost interest in Japan because that does not happen enough.

ジェフリーズのストラテジスト、シュリカント・ケール氏は、プライム市場がこれほどまでに広範囲になったことで、他のグローバルベンチマークに対するTOPIX(最終的にはプライム市場の全銘柄をトラッキング)の投資可能性に関する『慢性的な問題が未解決』であることが、より大きな問題であるとしている。TOPIXの企業規模は、S&P500のようなグローバルなベンチマークと比較すると、中央値が非常に小さくなっている。A greater issue, says Jefferies strategist Shrikant Kale, is that by making the prime market such a broad church, the chronic issues affecting the investability of the Topix (which will ultimately track all stocks in the prime market) versus other global benchmarks remain unsolved. The median size of Topix companies is much lower than for a global benchmark like the S&P 500.



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