Thai restaurants are cooking with cannabis(The Economist Jan 1st 2022 edition)
In 2019 the country became the first in Asia to legalise pot for medical purposes. A year later the government announced that parts of the plant containing less than 0.2% THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, could legally be used in cosmetics and food.
What accounts for the reversal? There is growing awareness in government that Thailand’s punitive drug-control regime is ineffective. Relaxing cannabis laws was also politically expedient.
There is a long tradition in Thailand of cooking with cannabis. Thais began mixing the plant, which is native to Asia, into herbal remedies and then food centuries ago. Even after it was criminalised in 1934, many Thais carried on cooking with it.
1934年に非合法化された後も、多くのタイ人が大麻料理を作り続け、30代のChakree Lapboonruangさんは「父が家族のために作るパッド・ガプラオ(バジルチキン炒め)にはたいてい大麻の葉が混ざっていた」と語っている。
Even after it was criminalised in 1934, many Thais carried on cooking with it. Chakree Lapboonruang, a 30-something Bangkokian, says his father regularly tossed cannabis leaves into the pad gaprao (basil chicken stir-fry) he cooked for the family.