昼に起きる。洗濯物を干す。朝ごはんはスキップ。気合いを入れて『メヌエット ト長調』をさらう。妻が昼ごはんにリゾットを作ってくれる。米をニンニクと炒めてから煮たということだけれど、ちゃんと火が通っている。ふだんお米を炊くときはしばらく吸水させるものだけれど、リゾットは炒め蒸し煮で炊けてしまう……。なんだか不思議だ。
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細かく指摘はされたけれど、今日で『メヌエット ト長調』にも合格をもらった。これで二冊目終了。三冊目に入る。ここからレッスンは中級だそうだ。帰宅してから教本を眺めていたらヴィブラートの練習というページがあった──!
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チャップってなんだろう? チョップ、かな? 切り落とし的な。(どうやら当たりで、ポークチャップはポークチョップみたいだ。骨つきロース肉のことをチョップというらしい)
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ずっと二の足を踏んでいたのだけれど、勇を振るって夜、チャットを繋いだ。チャット開始前に、解約理由で一番近いのは? という選択肢が出てきたのがちょっと救いだった。
Info: You are now chatting with Martin.
Martin: Hello, Ryohji. My name is Martin, I am with the Account Management team at The New York Times. Thank you for taking the time to contact us today. I'd be more than happy to assist you in making the necessary changes to your account. Just one moment while I get the account pulled up!
Martin: I was able to find the subscription with your email address, ryohji.ikebe@gmail.com. I wanted to take this time to thank you for your loyal readership with your All Access subscription. I understand you want to cancel the subscription today because you do not have time to read it correct?
Martin: We have not heard from you for some time. Do you wish to continue to chat?
Ryohji Ikebe: Yes, I have no time to read your paper.
Ryohji Ikebe: So, I want to cancel my subscription.
Martin: I am sorry to hear that! You actually get an amazing value with your All Access Subscription. You get all the benefits of Basic Digital Access, Cooking and Crosswords on both the web & mobile apps and, what really makes this an amazing value, one shareable bonus subscription. Rather than cancelling and losing access to all these features, after reviewing the account I see I would be able to apply a special promotion that we currently have available for you as a long time subscriber for $1 a week for 52 weeks! That would lower your rate from $12.00 a month to just $4.00 a month! After that it would continue at the rate of $3 a week. That promotion is a limited offer available on the currently active subscription. Would you like to take advantage of that today?
Ryohji Ikebe: No, thank you. I do not need such advantage.
Martin: I have canceled the subscription for you. Please keep in mind you will continue to enjoy all your subscription benefits for the rest of your billing cycle, which ends on April 14, 2019. Unfortunately we cannot issue any credits or refunds for the remainder of this billing cycle. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Ryohji Ikebe: No. Thanks for your assistance.
Martin: Thank you for being the best part of The New York Times. Have a wonderful day!
Info: Thank you for chatting with us.
めっちゃ続けようよ! って立て板に水で推されて圧倒される中、たじたじと NO! だけを繰り返す、僕…… 弱い。